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AAMC MCAT Practice Exam 6 Questions With Verified Answers Latest Updated 2024

AAMC MCAT Practice Exam 6 Questions With Verified Answers Latest Updated 2024

AAMC MCAT Practice Exam 6 Questions With Verified Answers Latest Updated 2024

What is the approximate energy of a photon in the absorbed radiation that yielded the data in Table 1?
Note: Use 1 eV = 1.6 × 10-19 J and hc = 19.8 × 10-26 J•m., the wavelength provided 625 nm. - The photon energy is E = hc/λ = 19.8 × 10-26 J•m/(625 × 10-9 m) = 3.1 × 10-19 J ≅ 2 eV.
18/6 =3
3/1.5 = 2 eV

According to Table 1, what is the concentration of the glucose in the blood from which the diluted sample was taken?
(a blood sample with 1/30 dilution ratio) - From Table 1, the glucose concentration in the diluted sample is (0.20/0.24) × 6.0 mg/dL = 5.0 mg/dL.
so the answer should be between 135 and 180.
The blood then has a glucose concentration of 30 × 5.0 mg/dL = 150 mg/dL.

Interpolation vs. Extrapolation - Interpolation - Prediction within a range of directly
observed measurements of the predictors
extrapolation; prediction beyond the range of directly observed measurements of the predictors

Suppose a blood sample tested above the range (6.0 mg/dL) of the standards used in the experiment. What modification will provide a more precise reading by data interpolation as opposed to extrapolation using the same standards? - By adding solvent, the concentration of glucose will be lowered, and the resulting absorbance will fall within the range of the standards. This is easily accomplished, and the resulting calculations that account for the dilution are not difficult.

ΔH > TΔS - nonspontaneous, we have ΔG positive and ΔH is positive.

Spontaneous reactions have ΔG = ΔH - TΔS < 0.

When we form a gas, this means the ΔS>0 and it is positive

protonation of ammonia (NH3 + H+ → NH4+) - Acid-base reactions do not involve oxidation state changes. The oxidation state of N in NH3 is -3. Each H is +1 and is balanced by the -3 of N to make a neutral compound. The oxidation state of N does not change when the N is protonated.

During Reaction 2, did the oxidation state of N change? - The ON of H is +1 when it is combined with nonmetals, as in CH4, NH3, H2O, and HCl. while nitrogen has ON of -3.
No; it remained at -3.

Which of the following reasons best explains why separating a 1:1 mixture of 1-chlorobutane and 1-butanol is possible \by fractional distillation? - The boiling point of 1-chlorobutane is substantially lower than that of 1-butanol. The molecules have similar molecular weights, but 1-butanol has a hydroxyl functional group that can participate in hydrogen bonding. Hydrogen bonding is a particularly strong force of intermolecular attraction.

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