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While reviewing the medical record of a patient, the RT notes the chief complaints are
vomiting and diarrhea of 4 days duration. Which of the following symptoms would be
consistent with the patients chief complaints? Poor skin turgor
Which of the following is the first step in determining the etiology of a patients chief medical
complaint? Obtaining an accurate history of a present illness
A RT is called to implement oxygen therapy for a 41 yr old male patient. While reviewing the
patients medical record, the RT notes that the physician ordered ' O2 via nasal cannula '
Which of the following should the therapist do? Contact the physician and ask for a
clarification of the order
Objectives for a pulmonary rehabilitation program should include all of the following
EXCEPT? Monthly physical exercises for skeletal and respiratory muscles
While evaluating a patient in a pulmonary rehabilitation program, the patient tells the RT that
for the past 2 days his secretions have been thick and yellow and that he has become
increasingly short of breath. The therapist would most likely suspect the patient? Has a
pulmonary infection
An adult female patient is enrolled in a smoking cessation program. All of the following
instructions would be beneficial in helping this patient to successfully quit smoking EXCEPT?
When you feel extremely anxious it is all right to smoke one cigarette, but no more
than one.
Which of the following are important factors to consider when selecting a home oxygen
delivery system 4 ( yes, yes, yes )
Which of the following should the RT monitor when assisting with chest tube insertion?
2 ( no, yes, yes, yes)
A physician has asked the RT to assist with a thoracentesis. During the procedure, the
patient becomes agitated and diaphoretic. The HR is 126/min and the blood pressure is
80/56 mm Hg. Respirations have become shallow and labored. Which of the following should
the therapist do or recommend? Administer high- FiO2 oxygen and request a chest x ray.
A RT is assisting a physician during a transtracheal bronchoscopy. As the bronchoscope is
advanced in the airways, the above ECG tracing is observed on the patients cardiac monitor.
The RT should recommend? Administration of lidocaine.
A 32 yr old male with massive atelectasis of the left lung requires intubation and mechanical
ventilation. The physician has requested the assistance of the RT in performing the
intubation procedure. Which of the following should the RT recommend to avoid
cardiovascular impairment
and overdistension of the normal lung during mechanical ventilation? Placement of a
double lumen endotracheal tube.
A respiratory therapist is assisting a physician during a transtracheal bronchoscopy. As the
bronchoscope is advanced in the airways, the above ECG tracing is observed on the patient's
cardiac monitor. The RT should recommend? Administration of lidocaine.
After extubating a patient the RT observes the onset of inspiratory stridor. After
administering racemic epinephrine (vaponefrin), the patient still has inspiratory stridor, but
a lesser extent. The therapist should now do what? Continue with current therapy.
Prior to bronchodilator therapy, a patient is tachycardic and tachypneic with bilateral
inspiratory and expiratory wheezing. 30 minutes after the administration of the
bronchodilator, the patient has normal vital signs and is resting comfortably. Which of the
following has most clearly improved? Resistance to airflow
While monitoring a patient during a traditional t tube weaning trial with an FiO2 of 0.40. the
respiratory therapist records the following data:
Data prior to weaning 15 minutes after the start of weaning
Heart Rate
88/min 112/min
Respiratory Rate
12/min 24/min
37 mm Hg 54 mm Hg
79 mm Hg 72 mm Hg
Which of the following actions would be appropriate at this time? Reconnect the
patient to the ventilator with prior settings.
If the flowmeter is set too low on high flow oxygen system, the RT should expect A
decrease in inspired oxygen
After a patient is placed in the head down position for postural drainage of the right lower
lobe, he begins to cough vigorously and becomes short of breath. What should the RT do?
Sit patient up and reassure him coughing is normal.
Which of the following is best suitable for an adult patient requiring long-term continuous
ventilatory support? A cuffed tracheostomy tube
Nasotracheal intubation would be preferred over oratracheal intubation in which of the
following clinical situations?4; Repair of a fractured mandible-yes/no/no
The most important aspect regarding quality control for blood gas analyst is that? The
blood gas analyzer always functions properly prior to patient sample analysis
When using a non rebreathing oxygen mask, the flowmeter should be set on? Where the
bag does not deflate more than one third during inspiration
An ICU patient has been receiving potassium replacement therapy for two days. The ECG
rhythm shown above was recorded on the patients cardiac monitor on day 2 treatment.
Which of the following should the RT initially recommend to further assess the patients
clinical conditions? Electrolytes

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