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Introduction to Sociology, Sociology exam review, Sociology Exam 1, Sociology Exam 2, Sociology Exam 3 And Sociology Exam 4 Newest 2024 With Complete Solutions

Introduction to Sociology, Sociology exam review, Sociology Exam 1, Sociology Exam 2, Sociology Exam 3 And  Sociology Exam 4 Newest 2024 With Complete Solutions

Introduction to Sociology, Sociology exam review, Sociology Exam 1, Sociology Exam 2, Sociology Exam 3 And Sociology Exam 4 Newest 2024 With Complete Solutions

Sociology the study of human behavior in society
JANE ADDAMS (1860-1935) As founder of Hull House, her books and articles were widely used by the "Chicago School" to establish Urban Sociology. She received the Nobel Prize in 1931.
AUGUSTE COMTE (1798-1857) The founder of Sociology in the West that coined the term "Sociology." He felt the scientific method should be applied to the study of society (POSITIVISM) and that society was made up of forces of stability (SOCIAL STATICS) and forces of change (SOCIAL DYNAMICS).
CHARLES HORTON COOLEY (1864-1929) As co-founder of Symbolic Interaction, he argued that the Self is formed through a lifelong process of interpretation of other's reactions to our self-concept (LOOKING-GLASS SELF).
EMILE DURKHEIM (1858-1917) In his research on suicide, he argued that society is held together by SOCIAL INTEGRATION. Those with weak social ties experience ANOMIE, or normlessness.
HARRIET MARTINEAU (1802-1876) The Founder of Modern Sociology, she published "Theory and Practice of Society in America," in 1837. She is most often remembered for her translations of Comte from French into English.
KARL MARX (1818-1883) His works are the basis for CONFLICT THEORY. He argued that CLASS CONFLICT between the Bourgeoisie (Owners) and the Proletariat (Workers) is the source of all social change, and that the ideology of society (its belief system and thought) is the product of the age and place of its occurrence.
GEORGE HERBERT MEAD (1863-1931) As a co-founder of Symbolic Interaction, he saw ROLE-TAKING as crucial to the development of Self in children. In a similar approach to FREUD, he defined the "I" and "ME" as unsocialized and socialized parts of the Self.
MAX WEBER (1864-1920) In "The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism," he argued that religion gave rise to Capitalism, not class conflict, as argued by Marx. He believed that the process of gathering data must be value-free and as scientific as possible. Replication of research is important.
W.E.B. DU BOIS (1868-1963) As the first African-American to earn a Ph.D. from Harvard, he founded the Department of Sociology at Atlanta University, and was a founding member of the NAACP. From 1896 to 1914, he published a yearly book on race relations
IBN KHALDUN (1332-1406) Wrote "The Science of Civilization" that predated Comte and Sociology by 500 Years. His ideas predated Durkheim on Social Cohesion by 550 years and Mills' insight into Sociology as the intersection of the individual, society, and history by 600 years.
Macrosociology Large-scale Sociology
Conflict Theory
Patterned relationships that persist over time
Micro-Sociology Small-scale Sociology
Symbolic Interaction
The process by which people act toward or respond to other people
The foundation for all relationships
and groups in society
WILLIAM ISAAC THOMAS (1863-1947) and DOROTHY SWAINE THOMAS (1899-1977) As co-founders of Symbolic Interaction, they argued that behavior is the result of the specific way we look at life based on the views we learn from the groups to which we belong. Behavior is the result of our subjective reality, not of reality that exists objectively.
FUNCTIONALISM Organic analogy
Relationship of parts to whole
Functions (Positive effects in society)
Manifest Functions (Intended functions)
Latent Functions (Unintended functions)
Dysfunctions (Negative effects in society)
Focus on Stability and survival of society
CONFLICT THEORY A focus on group conflict
Conflict drives social change
Debunking of ideologies
Society as a battlefield
SYMBOLIC INTERACTION A focus on the meaning of how people made sense of the world in an active process of creating meaning through social interaction
Definition of the situation: The subjective way we define the reality of a situation contained in the norms and values we learn in society
The Sociological Imagination by C. Wright Mills the awareness of the relationship between personal experience and the wider society
Invitation to Sociology by Peter Berger Berger addresses which types of questions sociologists may seek to answer (such as the consequences of religious belief) and those which they cannot address (for example, the existence of God).
"Doing Fieldwork among the Yanomamo" by
Napoleon Chagnon Ø This article explores the fieldwork experience of Napoleon Chagnon, a cultural anthropologist, among the Yanomamo, a group of tropical rain forest Indians in Venezuela.
• The Yanomamo are isolated from contact with non-Indians and are supposed to be "fierce" and war like.
• They don't wear much clothing and their sanitation leaves a lot to be desired. This is mostly an adaptation to living in a hot, humid rain forest.
• Their social life is organized around kinship, ancestral descent, marriage exchanges and charismatic headmen.
• They use a system of graded threats and violence to test people and in their personal interactions.
Ø Chagnon's perceptions:
• He was horrified and wanted to go home! His reception by nearly naked tribe members who were high on hallucinogenic drugs with spears and arrows pointed at him was startling.
• He experienced culture shock about his daily life in particular, things such as eating, bathing, doing laundry, privacy and loneliness.
• He was uncomfortable, between the insects, the pushy and demanding Yanomamo and the lack of hygiene, he was ready to snap.
• He noted the important role that aggression played in their culture. This was very different from his experience as an American.
• But once he had adapted in his everyday life, things were a little better, but not the constant begging, demands and aggressive behavior.
• He finally realized that he had to pass this constant testing by the Yanomamo; he had to be like them in order to get a bit of peace and successfully conduct his fieldwork.
Ø Goals and practices of Chagnon's fieldwork
• His living with the Yanomamo is an example of fieldwork in cultural anthropology and he was a participant observer in their lives and villages.
• The goal of his fieldwork was to collect genealogies and learn about kinship and marriage practices.

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