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MedSurg Final Practice Tests Exam Questions With Detailed Answers By Expert Newest 2024

MedSurg Final Practice Tests Exam Questions With Detailed Answers By Expert Newest 2024

MedSurg Final Practice Tests Exam Questions With Detailed Answers
By Expert Newest 2024

The nurse is caring for a patient who sustained rib fractures after hitting the steering wheel
of the car during a motor vehicle crash. The patient is spontaneously breathing and
receiving oxygen via a face mask; the oxygen saturation is 95%. During the nurse's
assessment, the oxygen saturation drops to 80%. The patient's blood pressure has dropped
from 128/76 mmHg to 84/60. The nurse assesses the breath sounds are absent throughout
the left lung fields. The nurse notifies the provider and anticipates:
A) needle thoracostomy and chest tube insertion
B) administration of lactated Ringer's solution (1L) wide open
C) endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation
D) chest x-ray study to determine the etiology of the symptoms - needle thoracostomy and
chest tube insertion
Treatment and/or prevention of rhabdomyolysis in at-risk patients includes aggressive fluid
resuscitation to achieve urine output of:
a. 30 mL/hr.
b. 50 mL/hr.
c. 100 mL/hr.
d. 300 mL/hr. - 100 mL/hr
A 36-year-old driver was pulled from a car after it collided with a tree and a gas tank
exploded. What assessment data suggest the patient suffered tissue damage consistent with
a blast injury?
A) responsive only to painful stimuli
B) irregular heart rate and rhythm
C) blood pressure 82/60 mmHg, heart rate 122 beats/min, respiratory rate 28
D) crackles (rales) on auscultation of bilateral lung fields - crackles (rales) on auscultation
of bilateral lung fields
The nurse is caring for a patient who has circumferential full-thickness burns of his
forearm. A priority in the plan of care is:
A) to splint the forearm
B) active or passive-range of motion exercises every hour
C) to keep the extremity in a dependent position
D) to prepare for an escharotomy as a prophylactic measure - active or passive range of
motion exercises every hour
A critically ill patient has a living will in the chart. The patient's condition has deteriorated,
but the spouse wants "everything done," regardless of the patient's wishes. Which ethical
principle is the spouse violating?
A) Nonmaleficence
B) Justice
C) Autonomy
D) Beneficence - Autonomy
The nurse is caring for a patient admitted with a traumatic brain injury following a motor
vehicle crash. Several weeks later, the patient is still ventilator dependent and unresponsive
to stimulation but occasionally takes a spontaneous breath. The physician explains to the
family that the patient has severe neurological impairment and is not expected to recover
consciousness. The nurse recognized that this patient is:
A) brain dead
B) in a persistent vegetative state
C) terminally ill
D) an organ donor - in a persistent vegetative state
A nurse caring for a patient with neurological impairment often must use painful stimuli to
elicit the patient's response. The nurse uses subtle measures of painful stimuli, such as nail
bed pressure. She neither slaps the patient nor pinches the nipple to elicit a response to
pain. In this scenario, the nurse is exemplifying the ethical principle of:
A) veracity- obligation to tell the truth
B) fidelity- moral duty to be faithful
C) nonmaleficence- to not intentionally harm others
D) beneficence- demonstrates actions intended to benefit others - nonmaleficence
The critical care nurse wants a better understanding of when to initiate an ethics consult.
After attending an educational program, the nurse understands that the following situation
would require an ethics consultation:
A) Patient with multiple trauma & is not responding to treatment. No family members are
known, and the health care team is debating if care is futile.
B) Family members disagree as to a patient's course of treatment. The pt has designated
health care proxy & has written advance directive.
C) Conflict has occurred between physician & family regarding txt decisions. Family
conference is held. Family & physician agree to txt plan that includes aggressive treatment
for 24 hrs. followed by reevaluations.
D) Patient postop coronary artery bypass who sustained cardiopulm arrest in operating
room. He was resuscitated, but now is not responding to txt. He has written advance
directive & wife is present. - Patient with multiple trauma and is not responding to
treatment. No family members are known, and the health care team is debating if care is
A postsurgical patient is on a ventilator in the critical care unit. The patient has been
tolerating the ventilator well and has not required any sedation. On assessment, the nurse
notes the patient is tachycardic and hypertensive with an increased respiratory rate of 28
breaths/min. The patient has been suctioned recently via the endotracheal tube, and the
airway is clear. The patient responds appropriately to the nurse's commands. The nurse
A) provide sedation as ordered
B) suction the patient again
C) assess the patient's level of pain
D) decrease the ventilator rate - Assess the patient's level of pain
In the trauma patient, symptoms of decreased cardiac output are most commonly caused
A) hypovolemia
B) cardiogenic shock
C) pericardial tamponade
D) cardiac contusion - hypolvemia

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