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APEA 3P Real Exam Test Bank Latest Updated 2024 Questions With Detailed Answers

APEA 3P Real Exam Test Bank Latest Updated 2024 Questions  With Detailed Answers

APEA 3P Real Exam Test Bank
Latest Updated 2024 Questions
With Detailed Answers

Mostly Resourceful Exam
1) When performing a visual acuity test the nurse practitioner notes 20/30 in the left eyeand
20/40 in the right eye using the Snellen eye chart. This means:
a) have the patient returning in two weeks fora follow up visionscreen
b) dilated theeye andretest
c) refer the patient to an ophthalmologist
d) document this as anormal finding
2) The Americanpsychiatricassociation’s diagnosticandstatistical manualof mental
disorder defines Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy
a) aself-inflicted injury to gainattention
b) a caregiver making up orcausing an illness or injuryin a person under his orher
c) anabusive behavior thatdoes not involve thecaregiver
d) asituation in whichthe abuser is often inattentive anduncaring toward the victim
Munchausen syndrome by proxy is a mental illness and a form of child abuse. The caretaker ofa child,
most often a mother, either makes up fake symptoms or causes real symptoms to makeit look like the
child is sick.
3) Symptoms ofdepressionareasideeffectof which neurotransmitter medication?
a) dopamine serotonin, norepinephrine
b) gabapentin
c) mil
d) cortisol
4) Whichlesion is dark raisedandasymmetric with irregular border? Quizlet Bates Chapter 20
a) Nevus
b) Actinic keratosis
c) Keratoacanthoma
d) Melanoma
5) A 32years old womanpresents withdull puffiness of theayes pronounced notpitting
periorbitaledema this finding is suggestive of this condition? APEA
a) Nephrotic syndrome
b) Myxedema
c) Cushingsyndrome
d) Sinusitis
Myxedema is a deposition of mucopolysaccarides in the dermis. Is commonly found if patients with
advanced hypothyroidism. The classic skin changes are: swelling of face, lips, eyelids, and tongue or
swelling and thickeningofskin anywhere on thebody,especially in the lower legs.
Myxedema is the hallmark of Grave’s disease, an autoimmune form of hyperthyroidism.
Myxedemacan also occur in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis aform ofhypothyroidism.
6) A 42 years old woman with a past medical history of migraine headaches is requesting
prophylactic medication treatment. Which medicationshouldthe Nursepractitioner
a) Sumatriptan(Imitrex)
b) Amitriptyline (Elavil)
c) Verapamil (verelan)
d) Metoprolol (Lopressor)
Amitriptyline(Elavil) isatricyclicantidepresantandisconsideredofflabeluseforprophylactictreatment
of migrane. Sumatriptan (Imimtrex) Is aTriptans usedtoabort migraine
7) A pediatric patienthas areas ofscaling onthescalp with roundpatches ofalopecia.This
clinical finding is consistent with:
a) Tineacapitis
b) Seborrheic dermatitis
c) Trichotillomania
d) Alopeciaareata
8) What is the appropriate prophylactic medication for an 18 years old woman with apast
medicalhistory of migraine headaches?
a) Sumatriptan (Imitrex)
b) Propanolol(Inderal)
c) Ibuprofeno (motrin)
d) Dihydroergotamine (DHE)
9) Why would a combined hormonal contraceptive be contraindicated in a 36 year oldpatient
with a past medical history of type 2 diabetes, obesity, chronic smoking andsedentary life
a) She is obese
b) Shehas type 2diabetes mellitus
c) Herage and tobacco use
d) She leads asedentary lifestyle
Combined oral contraceptive is contraindicated in women older than 45, breastfeeding, smoking,HTN,
diabetes orhx of stroke
10) During the breast examination of a perimenopausal woman the NP detects abloody
spontaneous discharge from the right nipple. This indicates further evaluation.
a) Fibroadenoma
b) Polycystic breast disease Generalized breast pain or tenderness. Green or dark brown
nonbloodynipple dischargethat tends to leak withoutpressure orsqueezing
c) An intraductal papilloma

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