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TESTBANK For Introduction To Maternity And Pediatric Nursing 8th Edition Exam Answers With Rationale Latest Updated 2024

TESTBANK For Introduction To Maternity And Pediatric Nursing 8th Edition Exam Answers With Rationale Latest Updated 2024

Chapter 01: Nursing Care of Women with
Complications During Pregnancy
1. A pregnant patient tells thenursethatshehasbeennauseatedandvomiting.
How willthenurseexplainthathyperemesis gravidarum isdistinguishedfrom
a. Hyperemesisgravidarum usuallylasts for thedurationof thepregnancy.
b. Hyperemesisgravidarum causesdehydration andelectrolyteimbalances.
c. Sensitivitytosmells isusuallythe causeof vomitinginhyperemesisgravidarum.
d. The woman withhyperemesisgravidarum willhavepersistentvomiting
without weightloss.
Dehydration and electrolyte imbalances result from persistent nausea and
vomiting associated withhyperemesisgravidarum. Dehydrationimpairs the
DIF: CognitiveLevel: Comprehension REF: Page79 | Page
82OBJ:4TOP: Hyperemesis
KEY: Nursing Process Step: Implementation
MSC: NCLEX: Physiological Integrity: Physiological Adaptation
2. A woman is 9 weeks pregnant and experiencing heavy bleeding and
cramping. She reports passing sometissue. Cervicaldilationis notedon
examination. What is the mostlikelycauseof these symptoms?
a. Inevitableabortion
b. Incompleteabortion
c. Completeabortion
d. Missed
abortionANS: B
Signs andsymptomsofanincompleteabortionaresimilar tothoseof an
inevitableabortion,but sometissueis passed.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Comprehension REF: Page 84, Table 5-2 | Page 82,
Figure 5-2OBJ:4TOP: Incomplete Abortion
KEY: Nursing Process Step: Data Collection MSC: NCLEX: Physiological Integrity: Physiological Adaptation
3. Thenursefindsa woman crying after shehasundergoneadilation and
evacuation(D&E) for a missed abortion. What is the mostappropriate
statement bythenurse?
a. Thereisusuallysomething wrong with thefetus whenthishappens earlyin
b. Now there. You can try to conceive on yournextcycle.
c. Im hereif youneed totalk.
d.You areyoung and strong. I know you canhaveahealthy
pregnancy.ANS: C
Aneffectivetechnique whencommunicating witha womanexperiencing
pregnancylossistosay, Im hereif youneedto talk. Thenurselistens and
acknowledges the womans grief.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Application REF: Page 85 OBJ:4
TOP: DilationandEvacuation (D&E)KEY: Nursing Process Step:
ImplementationMSC: NCLEX: Psychosocial Integrity: Coping and

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