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A patient develops a gait disorder and the patient's spouse reports noticing recent personality changes. The provider suspects a brain lesion. Which evaluation is especially important in the initial physical examination? a. Assessment of peripheral reflexes
b. Evaluation of speech
c. Examination of the optic fundi
d. Testing for memory loss - c. Examination of the optic fundi

A toddler has begun hitting and biting other children at a day care center and is exhibiting temper tantrums and bad language at home. The parent reports that these behaviors began shortly after a sibling was born. What will the primary care pediatric nurse practitioner do?

A. Advise the parent that the child is exhibiting early symptoms of ADHD.
B. Engage the parent in positive parenting strategies to facilitate appropriate child coping.
C. Recommend evaluating the child for conduct or oppositional defiant disorder.
D. Suggest putting the child in another day care center to ameliorate the problems - B.
Engage the parent in positive parenting strategies to facilitate appropriate child coping.

A 14yearold female comes to the clinic with amenorrhea for 3 months. A pregnancy test is negative. The adolescent's body weight is at 82% of expected for height and age. The mother reports that her daughter often throws up and refuses to eat most foods. Which condition does the primary care pediatric nurse practitioner suspect?
A. Anorexia nervosa
B. Bulimia nervosa
C. Depression
D. Substance abuse - A. Anorexia nervosa

During a well child examination on a 4monthold infant, the primary care pediatric nurse practitioner evaluates mental health issues. Which statement by the parent indicates a potential problem with the parent infant relationship? a. "I can sense a difference in my baby's cries."
b. "I let my baby cry a while to learn to be patient."
c. "My baby prefers to nurse in a darkened room."
d. "My baby seems very sensitive to loud noises." - b. "I let my baby cry a while to learn to be patient."

The primary care pediatric nurse practitioner attempts to learn more about the emotional health of an 18monthold child through which assessment strategy?

a. Asking the child to tell a story using dolls and other props
b. Asking the child to draw a picture of him or herself and other family members
c. Interviewing the child separately from caretakers and parents
d. Observation of the child with caretakers in structured and unstructured situations - d. Observation of the child with caretakers in structured and unstructured situations

The parent of a 4 year old child reports that the child seems to be having trouble adjusting to a new day care and reportedly is always engaging in solitary play when the parent arrives to pick up the child. What will the primary care pediatric nurse practitioner do?

a. Ask the parent if the child is slow to warm up to other new situations.
b. Reassure the parent that parallel play is common among preschool age children.
c. Recommend that the parent spend time encouraging the child to play with others.
d. Suggest that the day care center may be neglecting the child. - a. Ask the parent if the child is slow to warm up to other new situations.

The parent of a school age child reports that the child becomes frustrated when unable to perform tasks well and often has temper tantrums and difficulty sleeping. Which disorder may be considered in this child?

a. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
b. obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
c. Pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder associated with streptococcal infection (PANDAS)
d. Separation anxiety disorder (SAD) - a. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)

A newly divorced mother of a toddler reports that the child began having difficulty sleeping and nightmares along with exhibiting angry outbursts and tantrums 2 months prior. The primary care pediatric nurse practitioner learns that the child refuses to play with usual playmates and often spends time sitting quietly. What will the nurse practitioner do initially?

a. Ask the mother about the child's relationship with the father.
b. Consult with a child psychiatrist to prescribe medications.
c. Recommend cognitive behavioral or psychodynamic therapy.
d. Refer the family to a child behavioral specialist for counseling. - a. Ask the mother about the child's relationship with the father.

An adolescent is

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