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Exam 1, Exam 2, Exam 3 & Exam 4: NUR257/ NUR 257 Aging and Chronic Illness in Nursing Real Exam (Latest Updated 2024 STUDY BUNDLE WITH SATISFIED SOLUTIONS)

Exam 1, Exam 2, Exam 3 & Exam 4: NUR257/  NUR 257 Aging and Chronic Illness in Nursing  Real Exam (Latest Updated 2024 STUDY  BUNDLE WITH SATISFIED SOLUTIONS)

Exam 1, Exam 2, Exam 3 & Exam 4: NUR257/
NUR 257 Aging and Chronic Illness in Nursing
Real Exam (Latest Updated 2024 STUDY

A client is diagnosed with pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP). What medication does the nurse
anticipate educating the client about for treatment?
Garamycin - TMP-SMZ
A client comes to the clinic to see the physician, reporting, "I think I ate something that I am
allergic to." What symptoms would be appropriate for the nurse to ask questions about?
Nasal congestion and coughing
Hives and itching
Sneezing and runny nose
Diarrhea and abdominal cramping - Diarrhea and abdominal cramping
A nurse is preparing to administer an antiretroviral medication to a client who is positive for
HIV. The nurse identifies the drug as a nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI).
What drug will the nurse administer?
Nevirapine - Lamivudine
A pediatric client is recovering from an anaphylactic reaction to an allergen. In the first
assessment, the client presents with a periorbital accumulation of blood, a common
occurrence in children. What type of allergic reaction presents "allergic shiners"?
type II
type I
type IV
type III - type I
The nurse reviews laboratory results requested to track HIV. What laboratory test measures
HIV RNA levels and is the best predictor of HIV disease progression?
Enzyme immunoassay (EIA)
Western blot
Viral load - Viral load
Cryptococcus meningitis is suspected in a client with HIV. Which manifestations would be
consistent with cryptococcus meningitis? Select all that apply.
Psychomotor slowing
Vacant stare
Stiff neck
Seizures - Stiff neck
A client with AIDS develops pneumocystis pneumonia. The nurse would most likely expect to
include administration of which agent in the client's plan of care?
Aerosolized pentamidine
Clindamycin - TMP-SMZ
The nurse is teaching a client with HIV how to use a male condom. The client demonstrates
understanding of the information when he makes which statements? Select all that apply.
"I can keep several condoms in my wallet in my back trouser pocket so they are readily
"I should avoid using baby oil or petroleum jelly with a condom."
"I need to hold the condom by the tip to squeeze out the air before putting it on."
"I can reuse a condom two or three times when I'm having sexual intercourse."
"I should unroll the condom all the way over my erect penis." - "I need to hold the condom by
the tip to squeeze out the air before putting it on."
"I should unroll the condom all the way over my erect penis."
I should avoid using baby oil or petroleum jelly with a condom."
A nurse is caring for a client with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). What would the
nurse expect the health care provider to order to determine the effectiveness of treatment?
ELISA with Western blot test
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
E-rosette immunofluorescence
quantification of T-lymphocytes - quantification of T-lymphocytes
The nurse is preparing to administer the recommended dose of intravenous gamma-globulin
for a 60-kg male client. How many grams will the nurse administer?
30 g
90 g
15 g
60 g - 30 g
A client received 2 units of packed red blood cells while in the hospital with rectal bleeding.
Three days after discharge, the client experienced an allergic response and began to itch
and break out with hives. What type of reaction does the nurse understand could be
Anaphylactic reaction
Delayed hypersensitivity response
An immediate hypersensitivity response - Delayed hypersensitivity response
The nurse's plan of care for a client with stage 3 HIV addresses the diagnosis of Risk for
Impaired Skin Integrity Related to candidiasis. What nursing intervention best addresses this
Applying skin emollients as needed
Providing thorough oral care before and after meals
Administering prophylactic antibiotics
Promoting nutrition and adequate fluid intake - Providing thorough oral care before and
after meals

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