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Test Bank For Seidel's Guide to Physical Examination guaranteed pass

Test Bank For Seidel's Guide to Physical Examination guaranteed pass

Test Bank For Seidel's Guide to Physical Examination guaranteed pass

The nurse plans to test the patient's tympanic membrane for compliance. Which piece of equipment is required to perform this task? a. Tympanometer
b. Tuning fork
c. Otoscope
d. Speculum - a

which actions are correct to initiate when using a scoliometer? (select all that apply) a - measure the patient's weight b - note any rib elevation c - auscultate the spinal column
d - view the patient from the back - a, c

a nurse is having difficulty hearing differences while percussing over lung fields. what should the nurse do? a - skip percussion and proceed with auscultation b - use pressure from the forearm instead of snapping the wrist c - increase pressure on the finger in contact with the patient's skin d - place the gown between the nurse's finger and the patient's skin - c

When does the nurse use inspection during a health assessment?
a - After introducing him- or herself to the patient b - Before auscultation but after percussion
c - After the patient dons an examination gown and climbs on the table
d - When the examiner sees the patient and continuously throughout the examination - d

which position is commonly used to conduct a pelvic examination of a female patient? a - supine b - prone c - lithotomy
d - lateral recumbent - c

which part of the hand is most sensitive and used in performing palpation? a - dorsal surface of the hand b - finger pads
c - ulnar surface of the hand
d - fingertips - b

which is included in the patient's chief concern?
a - what the patient believes is the cause b - brief description of onset of symptoms c - presenting problem and its duration
d - source and reliability of the historian - c

What documentation is missing from the patient's chief concern: "elephant standing on my chest, horrible pressure"?
a - Aggravating factors b - Duration c - Relief
d - Timing - b

Which modification is made to documentation of the history of older adults?
a - Eliminate assessment of vaccination history and status. b - Include family support system. c - Include sexual history only if relevant.
d - Eliminate family history of parents and grandparents. - b

Select the example of correct documentation. (Select all that apply.) a - Nodule in left breast is hard, round, nontender, 1 cm in diameter, movable, and located at 3 o'clock, 2 cm from the areola, no induration. b - Incontinent of scant urine that is clear, brown, and non-odorous c - Patient denies diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.
d - Abdominal mass large as an orange is palpable right of umbilicus, nontender. - c, d

Which datum is included in the history of present illness (HPI)? (Select all that apply.) a - Onset of symptoms b - Health risk factors c - Aggravating factors d - Current medications e - Quality of symptoms
f - Location of symptoms - a, b, d, e

Documentation: "Left lower leg medial incision drainage: thick, purulent, creamcolored drainage with foul odor." What is missing from the documentation? a - Amount
b - Color and consistency
c - Site
d - Odor - a

What should the nurse do after discovering the previous documentation the nurse included in an assessment erroneously stated an enlarged cervical lymph node was on the left side instead of the right side?
a - Ignore the error because it has been saved electronically. b - Document an addendum noting the error and include a correction. c - Document correctly in the current assessment.
d - Call the informational technology department to change the record. - b

Which is objective data? a - drank beer heavily on weekends while in college b - patient states vomited blood after drinking 2 glasses of wine c - pretibial edema bilateral 3+ pitting d - states no chest pain - c

which is subjective data? a - BP 122/74
b - right and left kidneys nonpalpable c - sore throat for 1 week
d - abdominal girth at umbilicus is 74cm - c

where in the problem-oriented medical record (POMR) should the nurse record the patient's chief concern? a - history b - review of symptoms c - progress notes
d - physical examination findings - a

Which statement is true regarding the relationship of physical characteristics and culture?
a. Physical characteristics should be used to identify members of cultural groups.
b. There is a difference between distinguishing cultural characteristics and distinguishing physical characteristics.
c. To be a member of a specific culture, an individual must have certain identifiable physical characteristics.
d. Gender and race are the two essential physical characteristics used to identify cultural groups. - b

An image of any group that rejects its potential for originality or individuality is known as a(n)
a. acculturation.
b. norm.
c. stereotype.
d. ethnos. - c

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