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Walmart Food Safety Test Questions with correct Answers

Walmart Food Safety Test Questions with correct Answers

Walmart Food Safety Test Questions with correct Answers

Which is NOT true about Salmonella? - Can for spores
Staphylococcus bacteria is commonly found: - On the skin, nose, mouth and throat of people
An infection is caused by eating food that contains: - Disease causing microorganisms
All of the following about E. coli 0157:H7 EXCEPT: - It is associated with temperature abuse
How can pathogenic bacteria be killed in ground beef? - Heat to 155 F for 15 seconds
What is the range of the pH Danger Zone? - Between 4.6 and 9.0
The two most important factors to control the growth of bacteria are - temperature and
What is the FDA cooling requirement? - 135 F - 70 F in 2 hours and 70 F - 41 F in the next 4
How should you measure the temperature of packaged foods? - Place the thermometer
stem between packages
What should a thermometer read when placed in an ice slush? - 32 F
Which of the following is NOT an acceptable method of thawing? - Defrost in the microwave
then refrigerating
If you must prepare a large batch of ham sandwiches for later service, make: - Several at
one time, then cover and refrigerate them
During a catering job, if your customer asks you to serve home-canned tomatoes: - Reject
the tomatoes because home-canned foods must never be used
What are proper methods for rapid cooling? - Ice baths + regular stirring, using shallow
pans, cutting food into smaller pieces before cooling, adding ice as an ingredient
What should you do when receiving a shipment of eggs that are obviously dirty? - Reject the
What are signs that food has been allowed to thaw and refreeze - Ice crystals, clumping of
food, frozen liquids at the bottom of a package or pallet load
Which of the following is NOT a reportable foodborne illness condition? - Staphylococcus
A worker is diagnosed with Shigella. What should you do? - Require the worker to obtain
medical clearance to handle food
Which of the following should a manager focus on when observing food workers? - Personal
hygiene & helath habits, worker's use of thermometers, worker's observation of cooler
temperatures, worker's handling of equipment
What should you do if you discover food service worker has AIDS? - Allow to work unless
they have a secondary communicable disease
Which of the following is an example of a man-made chemical contamination? - Food
additives (sulfites, MSG)
What should you do with a swollen can of food? - Discard the can without opening it
What is true about wooden materials? - Hard, close-grained wood may be used with
The most important activity for an effective pest control program is to: - Eliminate sources
of food, water, and shelter for pests
What is the purpose of the HACCP approach? - To reduce the likelihood of foodborne illness
Which of the following is an example of a monitoring procedure? - Check to see if the
temperature of the cold holding case is the correct temperature
Which of the following is an example of a corrective action? - Throw away a product that has
been left in the temperature danger zone too long
Step 1 in HACCP is to perform a hazard analysis. This involves: - Identifying the hazards that
may be involved in a food handling process
True or False: Food can be produced in a warehouse washing sink - False
True or False: Hands must be waged before putting on gloves - True
True or False: You should cooperate with Health Department when they are conducting a
foodborne illness investigation - True

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