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2024 Lead Abatement State Test Supervisor With Verified Questions and Answers

2024 Lead Abatement State Test Supervisor With Verified Questions and Answers

2024 Lead Abatement State Test Supervisor With Verified Questions and Answers

What are symptoms of lead poisoning - Stomach aches, constipation or diarrhea, irritability, fatigue & weakness, muscle aches, lack of sex drive, tremors & also headaches

How long does lead typically remain in the blood - 30 days

How long does lead typically remain in soft tissue - 30 days

How long does lead typically remain in the bones - 30 years

What is meant by lead body burden? - the amount of lead in your blood, soft tissue and bones at any one time

What is meant by chronic lead poisoning? - low dose over a long period

What is meant by acute lead poisoning - high dose in a short time

What blood-lead level in children is regulated? - 10 ug/dl

Why do we focus on children under 6 years of age? - hand to mouth behavior, high absorption rate & lead interferes with proper development

What medical procedure is used to remove lead from the body? - Chelation

What is Title X - Childhood lead poisoning prevention law

What law requires contractors and workers to be trained - Toxic Substance Control Act (T.S.C.A)

What federal government agency enforces TSCA - EPA

What federal agency enforces work safety? - OSHA

What does OSHA require whenever work disturbs lead? - Personal Air Monitoring

What Ohio agency requires training? - Ohio department of Health

What disciplines must be trained under EPA and ODH - Inspector, risk assessor, worker, contractor/supervisor, designer

When must we notify ODH before a lead abatement project? - 10 days by mail 3 days by email

How long must the contractor keep project records? - 3 years

What is the maximum first time fine for violation of ODH regulations? - $1000 per day

Characteristics of lead - Metal, Gray, Soft, Heavy, Blocks radiation & Toxic

What common consumer products could contain lead? - Paint, Bullets, Fishing sinkers, Solders, Ceramic, X-ray block, vinyl, plastic, weights, pewter, batteries, flashing & leaded crystal glass

What was lead used in these products - Durable, drying agent, prevents mold & mildew, provides brightness in color & block radiation

What form of lead was used in house-hold paint products - White lead

What are sources of lead contamination for yards and playgrounds? - Roof flashing, leaded gas contamination, industrial emissions & paint dust from homes

What is lead-based paint under the Consumer Product Safety Commission? - 0.06% by weight

When did CPSC ban lead-based paint? - 1978

What is lead based paint according to the EPA and HUD - 1.0 mg/cm2

What level of lead triggers in OSHA regulations in construction? - any detectable amount

How can lead enter the body? - Eating & Breathing

What organs may be damaged by lead in the body? - Brain, Central nervous system, kidneys, blood forming system, reproductive system & heart

What federal agency regulates lead in construction? - OSHA

What amount of lead is regulated by OSHA? - any exposable amount

What is the first thing OSHA will request when visiting a job site where lead work is performed? - to see exposure monitoring

What is exposure monitoring? - air monitoring to determine whether workers are above the action level or pel for lead

What is OSHA's action level? - 30 ug/m3

What is OSHA's PEL for lead? - 50 ug/m3

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