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Physical fitness
Steps to a fitness routine that can be maintained long term: - 1) variety
2) accountability
3) specific goals
4) rewards
5) disease prevention
As we age, we should focus on _________________________, ___________________,
and ____________________. - disease prevention, flexibility, and balance
An individual should start with ___________ minutes of activity a day to easy into a
fitness routine (may be done in small intervals throughout the day) - 30
3 components to any fitness program: - 1) aerobic workout
2) resistance training
3) stretching and flexibility
aerobic workout: - should be performed for 20-60 minutes a day 5 days a week. Goal
is to increase your heart rate.
Heart rate: - calculation of heart beats per minute. Count your pulse for 10 seconds
and multiply by 6
Maximum Heart Rate: - subtract your age from 220 (i.e. 40 years old= 220-40= 180
Target Zone: - 60-90% of your maximum heart rate (i.e. 180 x 0.6 = 108 bpm to 180 x
0.9= 162 bpm)
You want to reach your _____________________________ not your
____________________. - target zone; maximum heart beat
Physical fitness - the ability to perform moderate to vigorous activity without excess
fatigue. May reduce the risk for many diseases.
As the level of ____________ increases, the type of fuel used by the muscle changes. -
Healthy People - was a 10 year government sponsored program started in 2000
designed to improve the nation's health. The program set specific objectives for
adults in order to get them moving and physically active.
Objectives of Healthy People included: - reducing the number of adults who failed to
engage in leisure-time physical activity, double the number of adults who engaged in
at least 30-minutes of activity daily, and increase the number of adults who
participated in some type of resistance exercise to build muscle and endurance.
Healthy People 2020 - extension of Healthy People.
Goal of aerobic activity is to: - build endurance, which increases the ability to deliver
oxygen throughout the body. They should start with 5-10 minutes of stretching with
low intensity to warm up the muscles.
Resistance exercises: - goal is to maintain muscle (strength training). Helps to retain
lean muscle mass. After age 20-30 we start to lose the lean muscle mass as part of
natural aging process.
A combination of aerobic exercise, resistance training, and stretching will: - increase
your basal metabolic rate and calories will be burned more efficiently.
________________ is the first source of energy for cells. - Adenosine triphosphate
energy is released from food used to convert ___________________ to adenosine
triphosphate (ATP) through the addition of a phosophate group. - adenosine
diphosphate (ADP)
the resting muscle can store enough ATP to do work for approximately
___________________ seconds - 2-4
anaerobic activity is done without ______________ - oxygen
As ATP is used, a compound called _______________________ is broken down into
creatine and phosphate, the phosphate is used to convert ADP into more ATP. -
phosphocreatine (PCr)
PCr (phosphotecreatine) can maintain muscle contractions for approximately
_________ seconds - 10
PCr involves ______________ bursts of energy: i.e. jumping, a push-up, sprinting. -
For events lasting greater than 30 seconds to 3 minutes, the body uses
____________________ as a quick source of energy under anaerobic conditions. -

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