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BIOD 101 (Module 1- 6) Portage learning Exam With Correct Questions And Answers

BIOD 101 (Module 1- 6) Portage learning Exam With Correct Questions And Answers

BIOD 101 (Module 1- 6) Portage learning Exam With Correct Questions And Answers

What are ionic bonds? - Bonds generated on the attraction between oppositely charged particles

What is a covalent bond? - A chemical bond formed when two or atoms share electrons.

What are polar molecules? - Molecules that have regions of positive and negative charge.

What is a hydrogen bond? - a weak bond between two partially charged atoms in water molecules

What are the four biomacromolecules? - carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids

What are monomers? - Smaller units from which larger molecules are made

What are polymers? - Molecules made from a large number of monomers joined together

What is a carbohydrate? What elements are they made of, what are their building blocks, and what are their functions? - Carbs are sugars. C, H, O. Monosaccharides are building blocks, functions are energy and metabolism.

What are monosaccharides? - simple sugars

What are polysaccharides? - Complex sugars made of many monosaccharides linked together
What is matter? - Anything that takes up space, has volume and mass

What is autophagy? - When cellular organic matter is broken down and recycled into new biomacromolecules

States of matter - Solid, liquid, gaseous (vapor), or plasma What is all matter made of? - Elements
What are essential elements? - Elements required for human life

What are trace elements? - Elements required only in small quantities

How are molecules formed? - When elements combine with one another

What is formed if the types of atoms in a molecule are different from each other? - A compound

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