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BIO201_MH_V3 Topic 13: Integration of Nervous System Functions Study Guide Updated 2024

BIO201_MH_V3 Topic 13: Integration of Nervous System Functions Study Guide Updated 2024

BIO201_MH_V3 Topic 13: Integration of Nervous System Functions
Study Guide Updated 2024

Cerebellum - Maintains muscle tone, balance, and coordinates eye
movements; acts as comparator
Right Cerebral Cortex - Controls muscular activity and receives sensory
input from left side of body; three dimensional or spatial perception,
recognition of faces, musical ability
Left Cerebral Cortex - Controls muscular activity and receives sensory
input from right side of body; mathematics and speech
Corpus Callosum - Connects sensory information of both brain hemispheres
shared through commissures
Brainstem functions - All ascending and decending pathways pass through
the brainstem; Nuclei of cranial nerves II-XII located here; Mnay reflexes
important ot survival located here: heart rate, blood pressure, respiration,
sleep, swallowing, vomiting, coughing, sneezing; Reticular activating system
Reticular Activating System (RAS) - Controls sleep/wake cycle by receiving
input from sensory pathways, cortex, limbic system; wakefulness
maintained by stimulation from various inputs
RAS receives input from: - Sensory pathways, cerebral cortex, limbic
Higher brain functions - Brain waves and sleep, EEG, summation of all action
potentials occurring at particular moment sensed by electrodes placed on
Electroencephalogram (EEG) - Records brain's electrical activity through
scalp electrodes
nREM Sleep - Dreamless sleep stages 1-4; non rapid eye movements
REM Sleep - Dreaming stage with brainwaves mimicking waking state; rapid
eye movement
Short-term Memory - Retains information for seconds to minutes
Long-term Memory - Retains information for days or years, including
declarative and procedural memory
Sensation - Brain receives info about environment and body
Perception - Conscious awareness of stimuli received by sensory receptors
Graded potential - Result of sensory receptor interaction with stimulus
Primary receptor - Create generator potentials that travel to the brain;
receptor generates an action potential called generator potential that then
travels to brain; has axons
secondary receptors - Create receptor potentials that cause release of
neurotransmitters; receptor produces receptor potential then releases

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