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Natural Selection - organisms that possess favorable adaptations pass them onto the
next generation.
Name two ideas from other scientists that influenced Darwin in his work. - 1. The
concept of a struggle for survival by Malthus. 2. The present is the key to the past by
If a colony of bacteria were to give rise to an amoeba this would be an example of:
microevolution or macroevolution - Macoevolution, because the bacteria evolved into
a completely different organism.
Of the four basic data sets discussed in this module, which ones provide evidence
against macroevolution? - Structural homology, the fossil record, and molecular
Some creationist say that all of the ideas put forth in Darwin's book, The Origin of
Species are wrong? Why is this not true? - No, Darwin proposed the theory of
microevolution in that book and it is a well document scientific theory today.
The sequence of amino acids in the hemoglobin of a human is compared to the
sequence of amino acids in the hemoglobin of a rat and an ape. According to
macroevolutionists which of the two amino acids sequences should be close to the the
human's? - The Ape, because according to the hypothesis of macroevolution the ape
is closer in lineage to the human than the rat.
How does a neo-Darwinist hypothesis differ from the hypothesis of Darwin? - NeoDarwinism uses mutations to add information to the genetic code.
What problem with both Darwin's orignial hypothesis and neo-Darwinish does
puncuated equilibrium attempt to solve? - to explain why there are no intermediate
links in the fossil record.
Is mutation the only way bacteria can sometimes become immune to the effects of an
antibiotic? - No. Conjugation and transformation are the main means. Transduction
can also do it.
The immutability of species - The idea that each individual species on the planet was
specially created by God and could never fundamentally change.
Microevolution - The theory that natural selection can, over time, take an organism
and transform it into a more specialized species of that organism.
Macroevolution - The hypothesis that processes similar to those at work in
microevolution can, over eons of time, transform an organism into a completely
different kind of organism.
Strata - Distinct layers of rock
Fossils - Preserved remains of once-living organisms
Paleontology - The study of fossils

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