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Vraag gesteld door: Michael Carter E - 2 weken geleden

Make a practice exam of the following text: So many people that have shaped
history of our country, Africa and the
world but we cannot study every
person, idea or event that took place
in the past.
Choices must be made as to which
events, ideas and people are
How is significance determined?
Historical significance
How is significance determined?
Historical significance
How is significance determined? Novelty
Novelty is the quality of being new, original, or
What did Kaptein Hendrik Witbooi do that wasnt
done before by other Namibian leaders?
Historical significance
How is significance determined? Novelty
Sharp mind. highly literate (he kept meticulous dairies).
good grasp of world events , e.g. 1884 Berlin Conference
May have been one of the first Pan-Africanists. Aware of
the duplicity of colonial peace treaties, Witbooi wrote to
Chief Tjumuaha to warn him not to sign peace treaty.
Witbooi wrote, You will eternally regret that
you have given your land and your rule into
the hands of white men, for this war between
us is not nearly as heavy a burden as you
seem to have thought when you did this
momentous thing.
Historical significance
How is significance determined? Novelty
Small but mighty. He was a skilled guerilla fighter.
General Leutweins respect for Witbooi, both as a
leader and a man, was clear. In his memoirs he
wrote, His stubborn resistance against
the mighty German empire at the head
of a small warlike band, ragged and
poor I still see him before me
Modest, yet self-possessed, loyal yet not
without political cunning, never
deviating from what he considered his
duty or his right.
Historical significance
How is significance determined? Applicability
Some historical issues are significant because they
are relevant to current issues
Can you think of a historical issue that is still
relevant today in Namibia today?
Historical significance
How is significance determined? Applicability
Land issue is still applicable today.
With continual encroachment of his territory from
von Francois, he appealed to a British magistrate in
the Cape, stating the likelihood a bloody war if help
was not provided. He wrote, We cannot
tolerate that. We did not give our
land away, and what has not been
given by the owner, cannot be taken
by another person.
Historical significance
How is significance determined? Memory
Memory has to with how the past is remembered.
How is Hendrik Witbooi remembered?
How is significance determined?
Collective memory is how groups or
nations construct versions of the past.
Sometimes collective memory is based on
present circumstances
There is usually efforts to preserve
historical memory of the violent past
(this allows for justice to be demanded).
How is significance
determined? Effects
Magnitude of impact:
how deeply felt or profound
were the impacts?
How widely spread were
the effects?
Duration of the impact?
Historical significance: class activity
Novelty Applicability
Memory Effects
Cause and consequence
When were thinking about an event in history, we are often looking for things that explain
why the event happened - these reasons are what we call causes.
Figuring out why a historical event happened can be complicated, as there are often a range
of different causes.
There is usually more than one cause, and these causes can be and are often interlinked.
One way of understanding causes and consequences is through categorising them.
Short term: Causes that occurred only a few hours, days or weeks before the event are called
'Short Term Causes'
Long term: Causes that existed for months, years, decades or centuries before the event are
called 'Long Term Causes
Cause and consequence
Consequences are the results or impacts of an historical event.
They are a direct result of an event.
They can be unintended or intended
An historical event can have more than one consequence. There can be several
consequences, and these can be interlinked
One way of understanding consequences is through categorising them.
Short term consequence: consequences that occur only a few hours, days or weeks after
the event are called 'Short Term Causes'
Long term consequences: effects that exist for months, years, decades or centuries after the
event are pasted.
Causes of of
Rwandan genocide
Short term causes:
Shooting down of airplane carrying Rwandan president
Juvnal Habyarimana and Burundian president Cyprien
Ntaryamira on 6 April 1994 (Both presidents were Hutu)
Signing of Arusha Accord to include Tutsi in government
Causes of Rwandan
Long term causes
Rwanda colonized by Germany (after
Berlin Conference of 1884)
After WWI, Rwanda became a
Belgian colony (Germany lost her
colonies after WWI)
Causes of
Rwandan genocide
Long term causes
Germans and Belgians Tutsi considered
more superior than
Tutsi considered to be Hamite and not
Identity cards stated ones ethnic
Hutu were oppressed for decades
Causes of Rwandan genocide
Long term causes
Ethnic tensions erupted in 1959
1962 Rwanda became independent with Hutus in power
Hutu sought to make up for decades of repression under the Tutsi leaders and limited the
opportunities for Tutsi to hold positions of power.
Hutu ruling elite engaged in anti-Tutsi propaganda.
Periodic violence between 1959 and 1994
An estimated 700 000 Tutsi fled the country, becoming exiles in neighboring Tanzania,
Uganda, and DRC
Some Tutsi exiles (those that fled after 1959) formed a rebel group, the Rwandan Patriotic
Front (RPF)
Civil war 1990-1994
Long-term consequences of the Rwandan genocide
800 000-1 000 000 massacred (Tutsi and moderate Hutu)
AFP/ ABDELHAK SENNA - In this file photo taken on 16 June 1994 Rwandan
Patriotic Front (RPF) soldiers walk past the body of a woman killed by progovernment militias in Kayove before the town fell to the rebels.
Long-term consequences of the Rwandan genocide
high number of orphans
Mistrust amongst Hutu and Tutsi
High levels of trauma
Damage to the economy
Destruction to environment
Destruction to infrastructure
International image tarnished
Change and
Historians use concept of continuity and change to
understand the ways in which societies have changed over time
and as well as the way in which certain elements have
remained constant.
To study change and continuity historians study categories
such as:
Politics: has to do with war, power, governments and legal
Economy: has to do with how people earn and spend money
Social: everyday lives of people and work and home
Technology: development of technology and medicine
Change is something that has
been altered, changed or made
different in some way over
Historical change focus on alternations that
occur in societies, culture, political systems
Most historical change is gradual (slow).
A turning point (such as 26 August 1966,
beginning of armed struggle in Namibia)
sudden and clear change at a particular point
in history. Meanwhile, things remained the
same. The start of armed didn't end of
Change can result from variety of factors such
Social movements (e.g. womens movements)
Natural disasters
Economic developments
Technological advancements
Change be either positive or negative and it
change individuals and communities in different
Change and continuity after
apartheid: class exercise
34 years after apartheid, what has changed and what
has remained the same?
What was apartheid?
Apartheid was a government policy introduced by the Afrikaner
National Party in 1948 in South Africa and Namibia
Word apartheid means apart-hood or separateness
Apartheid divided racial groups into strata: White, Coloured, Indian
(only in South Africa), and Black.
During apartheid people were separated socially, politically,
economically and spatially based on their race.
Change and
continuity after
apartheid: class
What was apartheid?
two types of apartheid laws:
Grand laws dictating housing,
politics, and employment allocations
Petty laws dealing with rules of
everyday life, like the racial
separations in public amenities.
Change after apartheid: class exercise
34 years after apartheid, what has changed?
Political change
Legally and politically, much has changed in
Black Namibians have democratically governed
through the SWAPO for the past 34 years
Legal for black people to vote.
Freedom of movement (pass laws no longer
Freedom of speech
Equality before the law regardless of race
Change after apartheid:
class exercise
Social, education and urban area settlement
Blacks are no longer confined to rural area,
Anyone is technically able to live, work and study
anywhere they want. Group Areas of Act of 1950 not
longer applicable.
People are free to interact and marry (and have sexual
relations) across colour lines.
Continuity after
apartheid: class
Despite significant changes, the legacy of apartheid is
still present economically and spatially.
Social and housing
Fixed racial boundaries that are rarely crossed.
Argued that Afrikaners have held onto fixed
racial boundaries to preserve and protect their
Majority of blacks in urban areas still live
townships such as Katutura with limited
Continuity after
apartheid: class
Schools in black communities remain
poorly funded and some lack basic
amenities such as toilets.
Most black schools have no electricity,
libraries, internet and laboratories
Continuity after apartheid: class
Despite significant changes, the legacy of apartheid is still present
economically and spatially.
Economy and land
Namibia is one of the least equal countries in the world.
Race and poverty go hand and hand in Namibia. 10% of the
population controls 80% of the wealth.
Black Namibian households continue to receive smaller salaries.
Higher unemployment amongst blacks.
Highly unequal land ownership. Productive land still in the
hands of white minority
Government policies such previously disadvantaged, black
economic empowerment (highlights racial issues which
continue after apartheid)
To produce a valid historical analysis,
historians must consider historical
perspective, that means not distorting
the past with present lens.
Historical perspective is the point of
view from which creator of a source
described historical events.
Not considering historical perspective
is bias
History and ethics
Ethics (morals) are the rules for distinguishing
between right and wrong. Example include
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto
professional conduct like Hippocratic Oath "First of
all, do no harm
Ten Commandments
Ethical norms are learned at home, at school, in
church, or in other social settings
History and ethics
There is an ethical dimension involved
in the quest for historical knowledge.
Historians have obligations of
truthfulness and objectivity in the
accounts they provide of the past.
E.g. historians should present facts of
genocide and other crimes against humanity
with honesty and exactness.
History and ethics
Historians must ultimately consider, weigh up and justify for
themselves the choices they make regarding the data protection of
the people they are researching.
health, social security benefits, crimes, religion, political opinions
and sexual orientation of living research subjects is considered
sensitive data.
Some data cannot be published while person is alive or requires the
Some data can only be published after certain period after death. . The practice exam must be written in theEnglish language. Below are the answers. The number of questions that the practice exam must contain is unlimited.

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