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WGU C182 Exam 2023 With 100% Questions And Correct Answers (Rated A+)

WGU C182 Exam 2023 With 100% Questions And Correct Answers (Rated A+)

WGU C182 Exam 2023 With 100% Questions And Correct Answers (Rated A+)

What are some skills desired for IT personnel? - ANSWER-Troubleshooting/problem- solving, knowledge of operating systems, system level programming (scripting), system security, hardware.

Information can be defined as data. - ANSWER-Processed
Assembly and machine language are examples of which type of programming language? - ANSWER-These are examples of *low-level programming languages*.

JavaScript, Python, PHP, and JSP are examples of what type of programming language? - ANSWER-These are examples of *scripting languages*.

BASIC, C, C++, FORTRAN, and LISP are examples of which kind of programming language? - ANSWER-These are known as *high-level programming languages*.

A system comprised of different parts working together to accomplish a goal is known as what? - ANSWER-This loosely defines *Information Technology.*

Maintaining computer systems, installing hardware/software, configuring OSs, and performing some scripting are the roles of which type of administrator? - ANSWER- These are typically some of the roles associated with a *Systems Administrator*.

Running wire, working with network hardware, configuring machines for network communication, and troubleshooting the network are roles of which type of administrator? - ANSWER-These are typically some of the roles associated with a
*Network Administrator*.

Designing, developing, and supporting DBMSs (Database Management Systems) are roles of which type of administrator? - ANSWER-These are typically some of the roles associated with a *Database Administrator*.

Installing, configuring, and administering firewall security are some of the roles of which type of

administrator? - ANSWER-These are typically some of the roles associated with a *Security Administrator*.

Installing, configuring, maintaining, securing, and troubleshooting web servers are the roles of which type of administrator? These admins may be referred to as a "webmaster" and may or may not be responsible for the server hardware. - ANSWER- These are typically the roles associated with a *Web Administrator*.

Is data *more* or *less* structured than information? - ANSWER-Data is *less* structured than information.

is the output of some process. - ANSWER-Information

What does DIKW refer to? - ANSWER-Data -> Information -> Knowledge -> Wisdom

What is the difference between information and data? - ANSWER-Data consists of raw inputs, whereas information consists of data that has been processed into more useful material.

A set of tools, such as computer hardware & software, and the people that use these tools in order to manipulate data to obtain information describes what? - ANSWER-This is an *Information System*.

What 5 characteristics does *quality data* consist of? - ANSWER-Relevant - timely - thorough - accurate - reliable

What does *IPO* / *IPO+S* refer to? - ANSWER-Input - Processing - Output - Storage

What four operations does a computer perform? - ANSWER-IPO / IPO+S - Input - Processing - Output - Storage

The physical components of the computer are referred to as what? - ANSWER-The physical components of the computer are referred to as *hardware*.

Programs and other operating information used by the computer is known as what? - ANSWER-Software

A collection of computers and resources connected by various media to enable communication with each other refers to what in a computer system? - ANSWER-A
*computer network*.

The people who use the computer system are known as what? - ANSWER-Users

What is a network protocol? - ANSWER-A standard set of rules used to determine how networks communicate with each other.

What is the most common network protocol? - ANSWER-TCP/IP

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