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NR511 FINAL EXAM Smartprep.Examinations

NR511 FINAL EXAM Smartprep.Examinations

The ieffectiveness iof ibenzodiazepines iin itreating ianxiety idisorders isuggests ithat iwhich iof ithe ifollowing
neurotransmittersi iplaysiairoleiinianxiety?
The icriteria ifor idiagnosing igeneralized ianxiety idisorder iin ithe iAmerican iPsychiatric iAssociations
iDiagnostic iand iStatistical iManual iof iMental iDisorders, i5th iedition i(text irevision) istate ithat
iexcessiveworryi ioriapprehensionimustibeipresentimoreidaysithaninotiforiatileast?
A i20-year-old iwoman iis iseen iin ithe iclinic ibecause iher iboyfriend iwas ifound ito ihave igonorrhea. iWhich
iofthei ifollowingiisitheitreatmentiofichoiceiforigonorrhea? a. Ceftriaxone
b. Doxycycline
c. Acyclovir
d. Metronidazole
Aipatientiisiseeniinitheiclinic iwithiaichieficomplaintiofihematuria.iToimakeiaidifferentialidiagnosis,iwhichof
i itheifollowingiquestionsishouldibeiasked?
a. "Doiyouihaveiaihistoryiofiliveridisease?"
b. "Whatimedicationsiareiyouicurrentlyitaking?"
c. "Haveiyouinoticediswellingiiniyouriankles?"
d. Alliofitheiabove
A ipatient iis iseen iin ithe iclinic iwith ihematuria iconfirmed ion imicroscopic iexamination. iThe iclinician
ishouldinquirei iaboutitheiingestioniofiwhichiofitheseisubstancesithatimightibeitheicauseiofihematuria?
b. Beets
c. VitaminiA
d. Redimeat
A i27-year-old ifemale ipresentsiwith ia ichief icomplaint iof iburning iand ipain ion iurination. iShe ihasino
iadiagnosisi iofiloweriUTI?
a. Backiandiabdominalipain
b. Fever,ichills,icostovertebralianglei(CVA)itenderness
c. Bloodiiniurineiandifrequency
d. Foul-smellingidischarge,iperinealiitch

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