€ 18.54

maternal and pedia test banks compilation MATERNAL (WELL CLIENT) MIDTERM

maternal and pedia test banks compilation MATERNAL (WELL CLIENT)  MIDTERM

1. Nutritional counseling is a priority topic during an adolescent pregnancy. Which of the following topics
would you expect to include in the teaching plan?
Ways to remember to take an iron supplement daily
2. A 16-year-old girl is 5 months pregnant when she first comes for prenatal care. She says she had no idea
that she was pregnant. You would assess her reply as a manifestation of which of the following?
Denial of Pregnancy
3. Mrs. Levs at 35 weeks’ gestation tells the nurse that she gets an occasional cramp in her legs. The nurse
should assess the patient’s intake of:
4. Mrs. Virgie returns to the clinic several weeks later for prenatal visit. She tells the nurse that she has
had nausea and vomiting every morning for the last week. The nurse should instruct the patient to:
Eat dry crackers before arising
5. During which of the following stages of labor would you assess “crowning”?
Second Stage
6. Which assessing a post term newborn, which of the following would Nurse Kiks expect?
Meconium-Stained Skin
7. Which of the following actions demonstrates Nurse Gora’s understanding about newborn’s
thermoregulating ability?
Placing the baby in the radiant warmer
8. Which of the following characteristics is most commonly associated with LGA?
Risk for birth injury
9. Mrs. Cruz is in the second stage of labor. During this stage, how frequently should the nurse in charge
assess her uterine contractions?
Each contraction
10. The nurse is teaching a pregnant client how to distinguish false labor contractions from true labor
contractions. Which statement about false labor contraction is accurate?
They’re usually felt in the abdomen
11. As Mrs. Yu enters the second stage immediately after delivery, the nurse would expect to assess Dolly’s
fundus to be:
Firm and contracted
12. Angel is in labor, the nurse observes that her amniotic membranes rupture spontaneously. Which of
the following would be the nurse’s priority action?
Assess the FHR
13. The client has been in true labor for 12 hours and is diagnosed with borderline pelvic measurement?
The nurse would anticipate which of the following?
Cesarean delivery
14. When taking an obstetrical history on a pregnant client who states, “I had son born at 38 weeks
gestation, a daughter born at 30 weeks’ gestation, and I lost a baby at about 8 week gestation,” the nurse
should record her obstetrical history as which of the following?
G4 T1 P1 A1 L2
15. A 28-year-old multigravida tells the nurse that she’s scheduled for non-stress test (NST). The nurse
anticipates that the purpose of this procedure is to:
Assess fetal activity well being
16. Vine is in labor. Your CI tell you to do leopolds maneuver and assessed that the fetus is in breech
presentation. Where will you auscultate for the fetal heart sounds?
High in the abdomen
17. A nurse is performing an assessment on a client who is at 38 weeks gestation and notes that the fetal
heart rate (FHR) is 180 beats per minute. On the basis of this finding, the appropriate nursing action is to:
Notify the physician
18. Nurse Caree explains some of the purposes of the placenta to a client during a prenatal visit. The nurse
determines that the client understands some of these purposes when she states that the placenta:
Is the way baby gets food and oxygen
19. Nurse Abakada is collecting data during an admission assessment of a client who is pregnant with
twins. The client has healthy 5 year old child that was delivered at 38 weeks and tells the nurse that she
does not have any history of any type of abortion or fetal demise. The nurse would document the GTPAL
for this client as:
G2, T1, P0, A0, L1
20. The nurse checks for the FHT of the pregnant client. The nurse accurately checks the FHT of a breech
presentation by placing the bell of the stethoscope in what site of the abdomen?
21. Before administering Oxytocin to a client after delivery, what should the nurse do initially?
Check the blood pressure
22. Mrs. Reyal was admitted to the OB ward in active labor. During contraction, the nurse observes a 15
beats per minute deceleration of the FHR below the baseline rate. What would be the most appropriate
Turn the client on her left side to increase venous return
23. The FHR drops slightly just prior to the patient’s contraction. What is the most appropriate initaila
nursing action?
Administer oxygen

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