€ 15.77

Emergency Nursing Practice Questions

Emergency Nursing Practice Questions

Emergency Nursing Practice Questions
The client diagnosed with hypovolemic shock has a BP of 100/60. Fifteen minutes later
the BP is 88/64. How much narrowing of the client's pulse pressure has occurred
between the two readings?
Answer: 16 mmHg pulse pressure
The pulse pressure is the systolic BP minus the diastolic BP.
100 - 60 = 40 mmHg pulse pressure in first BP reading
88 - 64 = 24 mmHg pulse pressure in second reading
40 - 24 = 16 mmHg pulse pressure narrowing.
A narrowing or decreased pulse pressure is an earlier indicator of shock than a
decrease in systolic blood pressure.
TEST-TAKING HINT: If the test taker is not aware of how to obtain a pulse pressure,
the only numbers provided in the stem are systolic and diastolic blood pressures. The
test taker should do something with the numbers.
The client is admitted into the emergency department with diaphoresis, pale clammy
skin, and BP of 90/70. Which intervention should the nurse implement first?
1. Start an IV with an 18-gauge catheter.
2. Administer intravenous dopamine infusion.
3. Obtain arterial blood gases (ABGs).
4. Insert an indwelling urinary catheter.
Answer: 1
1. There are many types of shock, but the one common intervention that should
be done first in all types of shock is to establish an intravenous line with a largebore catheter. The low blood pressure and cold, clammy skin indicate shock.
2. This blood pressure does not require dopamine; fluid resuscitation is first.
3. The client may need ABGs monitored, but this is not the first intervention.
4. An indwelling catheter may need to be inserted for accurate measurement of output,
but it is not the first intervention.
TEST-TAKING HINT: This question asks for the first intervention, which means all
options may be appropriate interventions for the client, but only one should be
implemented first. Remember: When the client is in distress, do not assess.
The nurse is caring for a client diagnosed with septic shock. Which assessment
data warrant immediate intervention by the nurse?
1. Vital signs T 100.4°F, P 104, R 26, and BP 102/60.
2. A white blood cell count of 18,000/mm^3.
3. Urinary output of 90 mL in the last 4 hours.
4. The client reports being thirsty.

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