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HESI Entrance Exam Graded A+ with all correct answers 2024/2025

HESI Entrance Exam Graded A+ with all correct answers 2024/2025

Adenitis - ANSWER--Inflammation of a gland

Biology - ANSWER--Study of life

Endocrine glands - ANSWER--Glands that secrete hormones within the body.

Carcinoma - ANSWER--Cancerous tumor.

Cardiology - ANSWER--Study of the heart.

Cephalic - ANSWER--Pertaining to the head.

Cerebral - ANSWER--Pertaining to the brain.

Incision - ANSWER--Process of cutting into.
Arthritis - ANSWER--Inflammation of a joint

Excision - ANSWER--Process of cutting out.
Adenoma - ANSWER--Tumor of a gland
Cystoscopy - ANSWER--Process of visual examination of the urinary bladder.

Cytology - ANSWER--Study of cells.

Dermatitis - ANSWER--Inflammation of the skin.

Hypodermic - ANSWER--Pertaining to under the skin.

Prognosis - ANSWER--Prediction about the outcome of an illness.

Diagnosis - ANSWER--State of complete knowledge; information gathered about a patient's illness.

Electroencephalogram - ANSWER--Record of the electricity of the brain.

Enteritis - ANSWER--Inflammation of the intestines.

Erythrocyte - ANSWER--A red blood cell.

Gastrectomy - ANSWER--Removal of the stomach.

Gastrotomy - ANSWER--Incision of the stomach.
Biopsy - ANSWER--Removal of living tissue and examination under a microscope.

Electrocardiogram - ANSWER--Record of the electricity in the heart.

Gynecology - ANSWER--Study of females and female diseases.

Hematology - ANSWER--Study of blood.

Hematoma - ANSWER--Collection (mass) of blood.

Hepatitis - ANSWER--Inflammation of the liver.

Iatrogenic - ANSWER--Pertaining to being produced by treatment.

Leukocyte - ANSWER--White blood cell

Nephritis - ANSWER--Inflammation of the kidney.

Nephrology - ANSWER--Study of the kidney.

Neurology - ANSWER--Study of the nerves.

Oncology - ANSWER--Study of tumors.

Oncologist - ANSWER--Specialist in the study of tumors.

Ophthalmoscope - ANSWER--Instrument for visual examination of the eye.

Osteitis - ANSWER--Inflammation of the bone.

Osteoarthritis - ANSWER--Inflammation of bone and joints.

Pathology - ANSWER--Study of disease.

Pathologist - ANSWER--One who studies diseases performs autopsies and examines biopsy samples.

Pediatric - ANSWER--Pertaining to treatment of children.

Psychology - ANSWER--Study of the mind.

Psychiatrist - ANSWER--Specialist in the treatment of the mind.

Radiology - ANSWER--Study of x-rays.

Renal - ANSWER--Pertaining to the kidney.

Rhinitis - ANSWER--Inflammation of the nose.

Sarcoma - ANSWER--Tumor flesh tissue (cancerous tumor of connective tissues, such as bone, muscle, cartilage, fat).

Resection - ANSWER--Process of cutting out; removal

Thrombocyte - ANSWER--A clotting cell.

Urology - ANSWER--Study of the urinary tract.

Cardiac - ANSWER--Pertaining to the heart.

Neural - ANSWER--Pertaining to the nerves.

Arthralgia - ANSWER--Pain of a joint.

Nuphrectomy - ANSWER--Removal (resection) of a kidney.

Leukemia - ANSWER--Blood condition of white cells; malignant (cancerous) condition.

Carcinogenic - ANSWER--Pertaining to producing cancer.

Pathogenic - ANSWER--Pertaining to producing disease.

Gastric - ANSWER--Pertaining to the stomach.

Neurological - ANSWER--Pertaining to the study of nerves.

Cystitis - ANSWER--Inflammation of the urinary bladder.

Endocrinology - ANSWER--Study of the endocrine glands.

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