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CanFitPro PTS Certification (Questions and Answers, 100% Correct) Updated 2024-2025

CanFitPro PTS Certification (Questions and Answers, 100% Correct) Updated 2024-2025

CanFitPro PTS Certification (Questions and Answers, 100% Correct) Updated 2024-2025
Name the first regression of a squat?
Leg press
What is PROM and APROM?
passive range of motion (someone helps you do the movement) and active range of
motion (you do the movement on your own)
What are the two protein filaments that slide over each other during a muscle
contraction (sliding filament theory)
actin (thin filaments) and myosin (thick filaments)
Where is the biceps femoris located? Name an opposing muscle
located in the lateral side of hamstring, rectus femoris
Name the different types of bones
Long bones (femur/humerus), short bones (tarsals/carpals), flat bones
(ribs/scapulae), irregular bones (ischium/pubis/vertebrae)
Going at high intensity for 10 seconds - 2 minutes would utilize primarily which
energy system?
Anaerobic System
What's EPOC? What does it do?
excess post-exercise oxygen consumption, the uptake of oxygen your body
continues to take in after your workout is complete
What is progressive overload?
to improve, clients must continually challenge their fitness. Gradually increasing
the volume or intensity of the program to realize ongoing adaptions.
Someone that isn't thinking of starting an exercise program is part of what stage of
After the first year of Personal Training, how much of your business should be
coming from referrals?
Name the two types of pain and the two types of injury
Mechanical pain (pain caused by mechanical movement) and systemic pain (result
of disease/medical condition), acute injury and overuse injury
What are the main synovial joints?
hinge (elbow/knee), condyloid (knuckles/wrist), ball and socket (shoulder/hips)
Which muscles make up the cour four stretch sequence?
glutes, quadratus lumborum, hip flexors, latissimus dorsi
What kind of postural distortions do we usually see with lower cross syndrome
increased lumbar curve, forward sway of upper femur, depressed sternum, forward
head posture, rounded shoulders
Where does oxygenated blood go after it leaves the Left Atrium?
travels through the bicuspid valve into the left ventricle
What bones make up the Axial skeleton?
skull, vertebral column and thorax
What attaches muscle to bone? Bone to bone?
muscle to bone: tendon
bone to bone: ligament
What is Adduction/Abduction?
Adduction- moving toward the midline of body (medial movement))
Abduction- moving away from the midline of body (lateral movement)
Name the agonist/antagonist for bicep curl, knee extension, calf raises, crunch
Chest Press and Lat pulldown and their functions
bicep curl- bicep brachii, tricep brachii -elbow flexion
knee extension- rectus femoris, bicep femoris -knee extension, flexion
calf raises- gastrocnemius, tibialis anterior - plantar flexion, knee flexion
crunch- rectus abdominis, erector spinae - spinal flexion
chest press- pectoralis major, middle trapezius, latissimus dorsi, rhomboids -
shoulder flexion, internal rotation, adduction
lat pull down- latismuss dorsi, pectoralis major, middle deltoid -shoulder

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