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Lifespan Development Final Exam 107+ Questions With Verified Answers

Lifespan Development Final Exam 107+ Questions With Verified Answers

Lifespan Development Final Exam 107+ Questions With Verified Answers

Bill wants to know how he can prevent his adolescent son from becoming a drug addict. You
would suggest that Bill -have family dinners most nights of the week.
Katie weighs less than 85 percent of what is considered normal for her age and height. Yet,
she sees herself as too fat and starves to become thinner. Katie most likely suffers from -
anorexia nervosa
Jackie, a 15-year-old girl, has been diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. It is most likely that
Jackie - is competitive and high-achieving.
Dalia tends to go on eating binges and then purges by self-inducing vomiting or using a
laxative. Which of the following conditions does Dalia suffer from? - bulimia nervosa
Fifteen-year-old Juanita wants to skip school because she is having a bad hair day and is
convinced that everybody will notice and think badly of her. Which aspect of adolescent
egocentrism is Juanita experiencing? - the imaginary audience
Leila, a 14-year-old girl, feels that nobody understands her, especially her parents and
teachers. Leila's feelings reflect the ________ aspect of an adolescent's egocentrism. -
personal fable
George wants to ensure that his sons become competent decision makers. Which of the
following is a strategy you would suggest for improving their decision making? - Provide
more opportunities for them to engage in role playing and peer group problem solving.
When Diana transitioned from elementary school to middle school, she moved from being
one of the oldest, biggest, and most powerful students in the elementary school to being one
of the youngest, smallest, and least powerful students in the middle school. This phenomenon
is known as the - top-dog phenomenon.
A dropout prevention program functions by "adopting" entire grades from public elementary
schools, or corresponding age cohorts from public housing developments. These children
are then provided with a program of academic, social, cultural, and recreational activities
throughout their elementary, middle school, and high school years. Identify this program. - "I
Have a Dream" (IHAD) program
Ned is an only child and has always enjoyed full attention from his parents and extended
family. In college, he tends to speak about himself and his own personal struggles with his
friends. He seldom pays attention to others' needs or lets them speak. He expects everyone
to agree with his opinions and gets frustrated and upset if they don't. Which of the following
terms best describes Ned? - narcissist
Ms. Chang is trying to prepare her health class students for the onset of puberty. What
should she tell the boys that they are likely to experience first? - increased penis and
testicle size
Thirteen-year-old Grace's blood tests indicate that her levels of testosterone are about
twice as high as they were a few years ago and that her estradiol levels are about eight
times higher than earlier. This indicates that Grace is most likely to - undergo normal
pubertal changes.
Fourteen-year-old Kent recently received his blood test results. The test results indicate an
eighteenfold increase in testosterone levels and a twofold increase in estradiol levels over
the past few years. It appears that Kent - is experiencing normal changes during puberty.
Gregory is undergoing pubertal changes. He has started using addictive drugs and has
started taking an increasing number of risks. Which of the following neurotransmitters is
most likely responsible for these developments? - d
Donna is concerned about her adolescent daughter's tendency to flare-up at the mildest
provocations. Donna says that her daughter refuses to see reason sometimes and is unable
to exercise much self-control. As a specialist in the development of adolescents, you would
tell Donna that her daughter's behavior could partly be explained by the biological reason
that - the amygdala—the seat of emotions such as anger—matures earlier than the
prefrontal cortex in adolescents.
Juanita, a Latino girl, is entering adolescence, and her mother wants to keep her from risky
sexual behavior. According to research, her mother should - foster a close and supportive
relationship with Juanita.
Richard believes he is gay. This orientation is part of Richard's _____ identity. - sexual
Holly is quiet and introverted. She feels stressed whenever she has to interact with a lot of
people. She keeps mostly to herself and seldom speaks up in class. She never socializes or
attends parties. Which of the following terms best describes this aspect of Holly's identity? -
Ramon's parents have decided that he will enroll in a liberal arts course in the state college
near their hometown. Ramon has not really thought much about this decision himself, and he
will most likely follow their advice. James Marcia would classify Ramon's identity status as
identity - foreclosure.
Nancy was not able to decide whether she should major in music or take up an
undergraduate program in engineering. After significant exploration of both options, she
finally chose the latter, with a minor in music. Identify Nancy's status of identity. - identity
Irene, a 16-year-old girl, is a first-generation immigrant whose parents came to the United
States from Ukraine when she was just a baby. Irene enjoys many of the same things that
her American friends do but respects her culture's traditions and speaks to her parents in
their native language. Irene seems to have formed a(n) _____ identity. - bicultural
Misha is a first-generation immigrant in the United States. In the context of cultural and
ethnic identity, which of the following statements is most likely to be true about her identity?
- She is unlikely to change her identity much and may or may not develop a new identity.
Reggie, a 16-year-old teenager, gets into a lot of arguments with his parents. Going by what
is generally observed about parent-adolescent conflict, it is likely that most of the
arguments center around - everyday events of family life.

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