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Radar dashboards - -answer-are often the first thing users see when they log into
Epic every day. Dashboards are the hub of reporting and analytics in Epic, and
consolidate data from all corners of your healthcare system. I
Chart Search. - -answer-The easiest way to access an activity in Hyperspace
Analytics Catalog - -answer-is a central repository of all reporting content.
A component - -answer-is a single graph or table or other piece of functionality that
your users will interact with on the dashboard. Components are the building blocks of
a dashboard, and are the primary way you will add new content or remove content
from a dashboard.
guiding principles when creating or editing Radar content: - -answer--Any dashboard
available to a user must work
-Each component on a dashboard must work
-All dashboards should have a defined target audience -Each user in that audience
must have the security to use every component on the dashboard
The Dashboard Editor has up to six forms that control the dashboard's content and its
metadata: - -answer--Basic Information
-Resource Settings
T/F The Dashboard Editor can be used to view the settings of any dashboard in your
system, but only custom‐built dashboards can be modified. Epic‐released dashboards
will be read‐ only. - -answer-True
Which of the following do you need to create a link from a dashboard to a given
a. The activity descriptor for the activity
b. The menu descriptor of the activity
c. The user-facing name of the activity
d. The parent menu of the activity record - -answer-The activity descriptor for the
You have built a component record. Which of the following could explain why the
component does not appear on a specific dashboard?
a. The component is not set as ready for use
b. The component is not listed on the Content form of the dashboard
c. The component and the dashboard do not share any report groups
d. The component has not been marked as enabled for user selection - -answer-a. The
component is not set as ready for use
b. The component is not listed on the Content form of the dashboard
True or False. Components require a defined Display title on the Display form. - -
answer-True - It is a required field
A scheduler wants a population that shows how many appointments there are today
with a status of 'Scheduled.' They want to reference this throughout the day to keep
track of how many appointments are left to check in. Could this be done in SlicerDicer?
Why? - -answer-No, SlicerDicer does not contain today's data, so a list of scheduled
appointments wouldn't change throughout the day.
A user wants a list of surgical cases scheduled in the next week grouped by
procedure. They will reference this list at the start of each week to audit room and
staff usage. Could SlicerDicer meet this need? Why? - -answer-Yes. Even though the
list has to include cases scheduled in the future, the use only requires cases that were
scheduled in advance, and all such surgeries scheduled at least a day earlier will be
Radar dashboards - -answer-are often the first thing users see when they log into
Epic every day. Dashboards are the hub of reporting and analytics in Epic, and
consolidate data from all corners of your healthcare system. I
Chart Search. - -answer-The easiest way to access an activity in Hyperspace
Analytics Catalog - -answer-is a central repository of all reporting content.
A component - -answer-is a single graph or table or other piece of functionality that
your users will interact with on the dashboard. Components are the building blocks of
a dashboard, and are the primary way you will add new content or remove content
from a dashboard.
guiding principles when creating or editing Radar content: - -answer--Any dashboard
available to a user must work
-Each component on a dashboard must work
-All dashboards should have a defined target audience -Each user in that audience
must have the security to use every component on the dashboard
The Dashboard Editor has up to six forms that control the dashboard's content and its
metadata: - -answer--Basic Information
-Resource Settings
T/F The Dashboard Editor can be used to view the settings of any dashboard in your
system, but only custom‐built dashboards can be modified. Epic‐released dashboards
will be read‐ only. - -answer-True
Which of the following do you need to create a link from a dashboard to a given
a. The activity descriptor for the activity
b. The menu descriptor of the activity
c. The user-facing name of the activity
d. The parent menu of the activity record - -answer-The activity descriptor for the
You have built a component record. Which of the following could explain why the
component does not appear on a specific dashboard?
a. The component is not set as ready for use
b. The component is not listed on the Content form of the dashboard
c. The component and the dashboard do not share any report groups
d. The component has not been marked as enabled for user selection - -answer-a. The
component is not set as ready for use
b. The component is not listed on the Content form of the dashboard
True or False. Components require a defined Display title on the Display form. - -
answer-True - It is a required field
A scheduler wants a population that shows how many appointments there are today
with a status of 'Scheduled.' They want to reference this throughout the day to keep
track of how many appointments are left to check in. Could this be done in SlicerDicer?
Why? - -answer-No, SlicerDicer does not contain today's data, so a list of scheduled
appointments wouldn't change throughout the day.
A user wants a list of surgical cases scheduled in the next week grouped by
procedure. They will reference this list at the start of each week to audit room and
staff usage. Could SlicerDicer meet this need? Why? - -answer-Yes. Even though the
list has to include cases scheduled in the future, the use only requires cases that were
scheduled in advance, and all such surgeries scheduled at least a day earlier will be

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