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Surgery EOR Exam (PAEA Blueprint) Actual 2024

Surgery EOR Exam (PAEA  Blueprint) Actual 2024

Surgery EOR Exam (PAEA
Blueprint) Actual 2024

What are the CT findings with epidural hematoma? - ANSWER-lenticular or
LENS shaped hematoma (Epidural = lEnticular)
What are the s/s of basilar skull fracture? - ANSWER-raccoon eyes and
battle's sign, hemotypanum, CSF rhinorrhea/otorrhea
What are the surgical indications for brain tumors? - ANSWERestablishing a tissue diagnosis, relief of increased ICP, relief of neurologic
dysfunction caused by tissue compression, attempt to cure in the setting
of localized tumor
_______is the most important anesthetic complication. Anesthesia causes
an uncontrolled increase in skeletal muscle oxidative metabolism, which
overwhelms the body's capacity to supply oxygen, remove CO2, and
regulative body temperature. - ANSWER-Malignant hyperthermia
What are the some other causes of a SBO? GIVES BAD CRAMPS - ANSWERgallstone ileus (air in biliary tree), intussuseption, volvuls, external
compression, SMA syndrome (seen with weight loss), Bezoars (trapped
mass), abscesses, diverticulitis, chrohn's disease, radiation enteritis,
annular pancreas, Meckel's diverticulum, Peritoneal adhesions, stricture
What does the PE show with a SBO? - ANSWER-distended tympanic
abdomen, high pitches bowel sounds -- delayed findings are lethargic,
dehydrated, tachycardia, decreased skin turgor, hypotension
What is the treatment for a SBO? - ANSWER-resuscitation, NG tube
decompression, bowel rest
What condition mimics SBO? - ANSWER-paralytic ilius
The number 1 cause of a colonic obstruction is a _______. What are some
other causes? - ANSWER-neoplasm; diverticular disease, volvulus,
Colonic obstruction PE findings? - ANSWER-abdominal distention, high
pitched metallic rushes, gurgles, tender palpable masses -- closed loop
obstruction or diverticular disease
What is the treatment for colonic obstruction? Surgical treatment? -
ANSWER-IVF, NGT decompression, careful observation
Surgical: acute colonic obstruction with cecal diameter greater than 12cm
__________is the rotation of the large intestine on the axis formed by the
mesentery. - ANSWER-colonic volvulus
70% of colonic volvulus occur in the _____. 30% of colonic volvulus occur
in the _____. - ANSWER-sigmoid colon; cecum
On abdominal series or barium enema, what is the classic appearance of
a volvulus? - ANSWER-birds beak or funnel
The treatment for __________is rectal tube insertion for signmoid
volvulus or emergent laparotomy if suspected perforation or cecal
volvulus. - ANSWER-colonic volvulus
A _______is an obstruction of the perianal glands. Cryptoglandular in
origin. Presents with perianal pain and swelling, spontaneous drainage of
purulent material. What are the cardinal signs? Treatment? - ANSWERperianal abscess; pain, fever, redness, swelling, loss of function; I&D
What is Goodsall's rule? - ANSWER-anterior-opening fistulas tend to follow
a simple direct course while posterior-opening fistulas may follow a
devious, curving path with some even being horseshoe-shaped before
opening in the posterior midline.

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