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NR 509 Advanced Physical Assessment Final Exam Questions and Answers Latest 2021/2022(100% Guaranteed success)

NR 509 Advanced Physical Assessment Final Exam  Questions and Answers Latest 2021/2022(100%  Guaranteed success)

NR 509 Advanced Physical Assessment Final Exam
Questions and Answers Latest 2021/2022(100%
Guaranteed success)
For which one of the patients would a comprehensive health history be appropriate? Correct Answer- A
new patient with the CC of "Im here to establish care"
The components of a health history include all of the following except which one? Correct Answer- A.
B. Thorax and lungs
C. Present Illness
D. Personal and social items
Answer is B thorax and lungs
Is the following info subjective or objective? Mr. M has SOB that has persisted for the past 10 days; it is
worse with activity and relieved by rest Correct Answer- Subjective
Is the following info subjective or objective? Mr. M has a RR of 32 and a pulse rate of 120 Correct
Answer- objective
Health history includes- "patient has had and pain for 1 week. Pain lasts for 30min at a time; it comes
and goes. Severity is 7-9, accompanied by N&V, located in mid-epigastric area" which category does it
belong to? Correct Answer- Present Illness
This info is in the health history: "patient completed 8th grade. Currently lives with his wife and two
children. Works on cars on the weekend. Works in a glass factory during the week." Which category
does it belong to? Correct Answer- Personal and social history
The following info is recorded in the health history: "I feel really tired." which category does it belong
to? Correct Answer- Chief complaint
Recorded in health history: "patient denies chest pain, palpitation, orthopnea, and paroxysmal nocturnal
dyspnea." which category? Correct Answer- RO

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