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Maternity Newborn and Women’s Health Nursing questions and answers latest update//Maternal and Child Health Nursing 8th Edition Pillitteri Test Bank

Maternity Newborn and Women’s Health Nursing questions and answers latest update//Maternal and Child Health Nursing 8th Edition Pillitteri Test Bank

Maternity Newborn and Women’s Health Nursing questions and answers latest update//Maternal and Child Health Nursing 8th Edition Pillitteri Test Bank

1. The nurse is planning to evaluate the development of a preschool-age child. On what should the nurse focus when performing this evaluation? A) Appetite B) Current weight C) Change in height D) Ability to perform a skill - CORRECT ANSW-Ans: D Feedback: Development is measured by observing a child's ability to perform specific skills. Growth is used to denote an
increase in physical size such as height and weight. Appetite is not used to evaluate growth or development.

2. A patient asks if a school-age child is going to be tall like others in the family. What should the nurse explain as having the least impact on the child's ultimate height? A) Participation in sports B) Occupations of parents C) Inherited genetic material D) Ingestion of nutritious food - CORRECT ANSW-Ans: A Feedback: Although children cannot grow taller than their genetically programmed height potential, their adult height can be considerably less than their genetic potential if their environment hinders their growth. Environmental influences on height include socioeconomic status or occupations of parents, genetic material inherited, and availability and ingestion of nutritious foods. Participation in sports will not influence the child's ultimate height.

3. The mother of several children is amazed that the youngest male child achieved toilet training much earlier than the other children. What should the nurse explain as the reason for this early development? A) "He has exceptional intelligence." B) "He learned by watching your other children." C) "He needs testing because he is developing too quickly." D) "He most likely will wet the bed for many years to come." - CORRECT ANSW-Ans: B Feedback:
Children learn by watching other children so a youngest child who has many examples to watch may excel in skills such as toilet training. The child did not become toilet trained early because of exceptional intelligence. The child is not developing too quickly. There is no way for the nurse to know if the child will wet the bed.

4. A patient is concerned that the new baby is going to have a weight problem growing up because other family members are obese. What should the nurse respond to this patient? A) Restrict all fatty foods up until age 5 years. B) Restrict fatty foods after the age of 10 years. C) Do not restrict fatty foods until the age of 2 years. D) Keep fat intake to less than 50% of total daily intake. - CORRECT ANSW-Ans: C Feedback: For children, fat intake does not need to be restricted for the first 2 years of life because fat is necessary for myelination of spinal nerves. After the age of 2 years, fat intake can be tailored to meet the guidelines of 30% total intake for both children and adults. The patient should not restrict all fatty foods up until the age of 5 years or after the age of 10 years. Fat intake after the age of 2 years should be limited to 30% of total caloric intake.

5. During a home visit, the nurse observes an 8-year-old child pick up toys and place them in the toy box. The child then looks to the mother who says, "Thank you for helping me." Which stage of Kohlberg's moral development is this child demonstrating?
A) Individualism B) Maintenance of social order C) Punishment/obedience orientation D) Interpersonal relations of mutuality - CORRECT ANSW-Ans: D Feedback: In the stage of interpersonal relations of mutuality, the child will follow rules because of a need to be a "good" person in their own eyes and in the eyes of others. The mother's praise reinforces this behavior. In the punishment/obedience stage, the child does "right" to avoid punishment. In the individualism stage, the child will carry out actions to satisfy own needs rather than others. In the maintenance of social order stage, the child will follow rules of authority figures as well as parents in an effort to keep the "system" working.

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