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MKSAP PULM Exam Questions and Answers 2024

MKSAP PULM Exam Questions and  Answers 2024

A 45 year-old male presents with sudden onset of pleuritic chest pain, productive cough and fever for 1
day. He relates having symptoms of a "cold" for the past week that suddenly became worse yesterday.
Which of the following findings will most likely be seen on physical examination of this patient? - spoken
"ee" heard as "ay" (bacterial pneumonia with consolidation)
Which of the following is a common symptom associated with laryngotracheobronchitis (viral croup)? -
barking cough
A foreign body lodged in the trachea that is causing partial obstruction will most likely produce what
physical examination finding? - stridor
On physical examination you note diminished breath sounds over the right lower lobe with decreased
tactile fremitus and dullness to percussion. Which of the following is the most likely cause? - pleural
Which of the following is essential to make a diagnosis of cystic fibrosis? - Elevated sweat chloride
An adult patient who is HIV positive receives a PPD. He develops an area of induration that measures 8
mm after 48 hours. Which of the following is the most appropriate interpretation of this test result? -
A 23 year-old female with history of asthma for the past 5 years presents with complaints of increasing
shortness of breath for 2 days. Her asthma has been well controlled until 2 days ago and since yesterday
she has been using her albuterol inhaler every 4-6 hours. She is normally very active, however yesterday
she did not complete her 30 minutes exercise routine due to increasing dyspnea. She denies any cough,
fever, recent surgeries or use of oral contraceptives. On examination, you note the presence of
prolonged expiration and diffuse wheezing. The remainder of the exam is unremarkable. Which of the
following is the most appropriate initial diagnostic evaluation prior to initiation of treatment? - peak flow
A patient presents with a history of progressive worsening of dyspnea over the past several years. He
gives a history of having worked as a ship builder for over 50 years. He denies any alcohol or tobacco

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