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1. Anaerobicrespiration happens in _ because _ .
a. Animals; theyneedenergy
b. Plants; theyusesunlight
c. Bacteria; they live in environments with low oxygen.
d. None of the above
The correct answer is C. Animals and plants both use aerobic respiration because they have access to oxygen. Bacteria
typically live in environments with little to no oxygen and must still produce energy to survive.
2. Allbacteria are badandalways cause infections.
a. True
b. False
The correct answer is B. Bacteria can be good, such as the bacteria in the intestines. This bacterium can become
problematic if it travels to a location other than where it belongs. Pathogenic bacteria are badand can cause infections, but
notall bacteria are this type.
3. Whichof the following is not trueaboutantibiotics?
a. Theycan interfere withthe bacteria’s ability tosurvive
b. Theycanaffecthow bacteria multiply
c. They cancause more bacteria to grow
d. They only workon bacteria
The correct answer is C. Antibiotics only work on bacteria by either blocking its ability to grow ormultiply, or
completely killing the bacteria cells.
4. Prokaryotic cells:
a. Have a nucleus
b. Have acapsule
c. Have membraneboundorganelles
d. Cannot move ontheir own
The correct answer is B. Prokaryotic cells are simple, single celled organisms. They do not have a nucleusor membrane
bound organelles. This type of cell can move on its own with a flagella or small hair-like fibers.
5. Select the cellparts thatare present in plantcells butnotanimalcells (there maybe more thanone answer):
a. Cell membrane
b. Cell wall
c. Ribosome
d. Chloroplast
The correct answer is B and D. Both plant and animal cells have a cell membrane and ribosomes, however only plant
cells have a cell wall and chloroplasts. The cell wall is necessary for maintaining the shape and structure of the plant.
Chloroplasts are necessary for photosynthesis.
6. A patient receives anantibiotic for symptoms of theflu. Why doesn’t the medication work?
a. The medication is for adifferent type of flu.
b. The medication is not suitablefor treatingtheflu.
c. The medication is not astrongenoughdosage amount tocure the patient.
d. None of the above
The correct answer is B. Antibiotics are used for treating bacterial infections, but the flu is caused by a virus. Although
symptoms can be similar in case of a cold (bacteria) or the flu (virus), viruses cannot be treated using antibiotics.
7. The nucleus is important in acell because:
a. It stores the DNA
b. It supports the cell
c. It makes protein
d. It makes energy out of food
The correct answer is A. The nucleus is the “brain” of the cell and stores the DNA. A cell wall supportsthe cell (only if it is
a plant). The ribosomes make protein and the mitochondria makes energy.
8. Cellular respiration happens sothat
a. Cells cancopy DNA
b. Cells can breathe
c. Cells canconvert nutrients toenergy
d. Cells candivide
The correct answer is C. The term respiration typically triggers thoughts of breathing, but in this case, it is referring to
the process cells undergo to convert nutrients into ATP. Copying DNA is transcription and translation. Cells themselves
cannot breathe. Cell division is mitosis or meiosis, depending on the type of cell.
9. Epithelial tissuecanbe foundin:
a. Organlining
b. Heart muscle
c. Tendons
d. Spinalcord
The correct answer is A. Epithelial tissue is found in skin and all of the linings within the body. Heartmuscle is muscle
tissue, tendons are connective tissue and the spinal cord is nervous tissue.
10. What are the threetypes of muscle tissue?
a. Cardiac,spinal, stomach
b. Smooth,skeletal, cardiac
c. Neuron,epithelial, collagen
d. None of the above
The correct answer is B. Smooth muscle is found in organs like the stomach, where it is involuntarily controlled. Skeletal
muscle is found in voluntary muscles, like the bicep or quadriceps. Cardiac muscle is found only in the heart walls and
works involuntarily to make the heart beat and pump blood.
11. Whichtype of tissue is fat?
a. Connective
b. Muscle
c. Nervous
d. Epithelial
The correct answer is A. Fat is a type of loose connective tissue called adipose. Its job is to cushionorgans. Fat is not
made of muscle cells, neurons or epithelial cells.
12. What type of cells have a cell membrane?
a. Prokaryotic only
b. Eukaryotic only
c. Bothprokaryotic andeukaryotic
d. None of the above
The correct answer is C. Cell membranes are present in all types of cells. Its purpose is to hold in thefluids and other
components of the cell and protect against externalsubstances and invaders.
13. How is the plasma membrane arranged?
a. In asingle layer made of proteins
b. In a double layer made ofproteins
c. In asingle layer of phospholipids
d. In a double layer of phospholipids
The correct answer is D. The plasma membrane is made of a phospholipid bilayer that has two layers ofphospholipids.
The hydrophilic phosphate heads face the outside of the layers and the fatty acid tails face inward, since they are
14. The head ofa phospholipid:
a. Is water loving
b. Is water fearing
c. Is onthe outer side of the layer
d. Both A and C
The correctanswer is D. The phosphate head is ontheouterpartof the bilayer becauseit is hydrophilic,which means that it
can be in contact with water and not react.
15. Cytokinesis happens sothat:
a. DNA canduplicate
b. Organelles canconvert energy
c. Bacteria can be killed
d. Daughter cells can divide
The correctanswer is D. Cytokinesis happens at the endof mitosis. DNA hasalreadyduplicated duringmitosis. Cytokinesis
must happen so that they cell can divide into the daughter cells.
16. Animalcells use which of the following methods to divide?
a. Contractile ring
b. Cell plate
c. Both
d. None of the above
The correct answer is A. Animal cells are soft and squishy, which allows them to be pinched apart by acontractile ring,
unlike rigid plant cells that must build a cell plate to divide.

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