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WGU C190 Intro to Biology / WGU C190 Module 20 Study Questions And With 100% Verified Answers (Graded A+). Updated 2024

WGU C190 Intro to Biology / WGU C190 Module 20 Study Questions And With 100% Verified Answers (Graded A+). Updated 2024

WGU C190 Intro to Biology / WGU C190 Module 20 Study Questions And With 100% Verified Answers (Graded A+). Updated 2024
Abiotic - CORRECT ANSWERS-Non-living, may be within or made by a living organism.
Biotic - CORRECT ANSWERS-Living. Matter is considered ______ if it was ever alive at some point in time
Atom - CORRECT ANSWERS-Smallest level. The basic unit of matter. Consists of a dense nucleus surrounded by electrons.
Molecule - CORRECT ANSWERS-Second level. A chemical structure consisting of at least two atoms held together by a chemical bond.
Macromolecule - CORRECT ANSWERS-Third level. Biologically important molecules that are technically polymers. Example: DNA.
Cell - CORRECT ANSWERS-Fourth level. The fundamental unit of life. Essentially a tiny droplet of water and other molecules enclosed by a fluid "skin" or membrane. The smallest and simplest entity that possesses all the characteristics of life.
Organelle - CORRECT ANSWERS-Fifth level. Compartments inside the cell that contain specific groups of macromolecules and carry out specific cellular functions. One of these organelles is the nucleus; it encloses the DNA within the cell.
Microorganism - CORRECT ANSWERS-Sixth level. Single-celled life form. Consists of just one cell and include unicellular organisms such as bacteria and protists.
Tissue - CORRECT ANSWERS-Seventh level. Formed when similar cells work together to fulfill the same detailed function.
Organ - CORRECT ANSWERS-Eighth level. Collections of tissues that work together to carry out a common general function. Present not only in higher level animals but also in plants.
Organ System - CORRECT ANSWERS-Ninth level. Consists of functionally related organs. Mammals have many.
Organism - CORRECT ANSWERS-Tenth Level. Individual living entities that survive and reproduce as a unit. For example, each tree in a forest.
Population - CORRECT ANSWERS-Eleventh level. Consists of all the individuals of a species living within a specific area.
Community - CORRECT ANSWERS-Twelfth level. Populations can interact with each other in positive and negative ways, and together they form this.
Ecosystem - CORRECT ANSWERS-Thirteenth level. Consists of all the living things in a particular area together with the abiotic, or nonliving, parts of that environment.
Biosphere - CORRECT ANSWERS-Fourteenth level. The highest level of organization in living systems. The collection of all ecosystems on Earth. Includes all habitable zones on the planet, including land, soil, and rocks to a great depth in the Earth's crust; water and ice; and the atmosphere to a great height.

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