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SAE3701 Assignment 3 2023 (852771) - DUE 17 July 2023

SAE3701  Assignment 3  2023 (852771) - DUE 17 July 2023

SAE3701 Assignment 3 2023
ASSIGNMENT 03 (Essay and paragraph-type questions; COMPULSORY)
Submission date:
Unique number: 852771
There is evidence that teachers do not behave professionally in South African
schools. The issues range from absenteeism, to not honouring teaching
periods etc.
As a principal, you are advised to develop a strategy to instil values of accountability
and professionalism in the teachers at your school.
Use the following guidelines when writing your essay:
1. Provide a heading for your essay. (3)
2. Write an introduction.
3. Discuss the different types of unprofessional behaviour experienced in
4. Lay out your strategy to help teachers be accountable and act professionally. (10)
5. Conclusion (5)
6. Bibliography (2)
Please note the followingSAE3701 Assignment 3 2023
ASSIGNMENT 03 (Essay and paragraph-type questions; COMPULSORY)
Submission date:
Unique number: 852771
There is evidence that teachers do not behave professionally in South African
schools. The issues range from absenteeism, to not honouring teaching
periods etc.
As a principal, you are advised to develop a strategy to instil values of accountability
and professionalism in the teachers at your school.
Use the following guidelines when writing your essay:
1. Provide a heading for your essay. (3)
2. Write an introduction.
3. Discuss the different types of unprofessional behaviour experienced in
4. Lay out your strategy to help teachers be accountable and act professionally. (10)
5. Conclusion (5)
6. Bibliography (2)
Please note the following

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