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School law: WGU D017 TEST GRADED A

School law: WGU D017 TEST GRADED A

Due Process - No evidence may be admitted when it is obtained through illegal methods

Morse v. Frederick - 2007 - School officials can prohibit students from displaying messages that promote illegal drug use

Chandler - Particularized suspicion is required before government can intrude on an Individuals right of privacy

Plessy v. Ferguson - 1896 ruling that separate but equal facilities for different races were not unconstitutional.

Brown v. Board of Education - 1954 case that overturned Separate but Equal standard of discrimination in education.

Brown II, 1995 - Outcome was to mandate to desegregate schools with all deliberate speed

Tinker v. Des Moines (1969) - Symbolic speech or students have freedom of speech as long as it is not a disruption

Bethel School District v. Fraser - Schools may punish students for using vulgar language during a school assembly.

Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier - 1988 SuCo: Censorship of school newspapers is constitutional.

New Jersey v. TLO - 1980 - students may be searched without a warrant if there is "reasonable ground" for doing so.

Lemon v. Kurtzman - 1971 - Three tests are described for deciding whether the government is improperly involved with religion

Lemon Test - 3-part test for Establishment Clause cases a law must pass to be constitutional. (Lemon v Kurtzman

IDEA 1990 - normalization principle
2. Notification and procedural rights for parents
3. Identification and services to all children
4. Necessary related services
5. Individualized assessments
6. IEP's
7. LRE

Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973 - The act requiring certain federal contractors to take affirmative action for disabled persons.

Section 504 - Temporary affected by an illness, drug abuse, psychological trauma, or special modifications

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