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Prehospital Trauma Life Support ( PHTLS ) Review Test Questions and Answers

Prehospital Trauma Life Support ( PHTLS ) Review Test Questions and Answers

Inadequate Perfusion / Energy production at the cellular level. - Shock

Why are case studies important in the Hospital? - It gives us evidence based practice.

What is the definition of anaerobic metabolism? - Without Oxygen

When does hemorrhage control start in the trauma assessment? - Right away, first thing to be done.

Why do we needle decompress somebody? - If there is an increase work of breathing / Absent lung sounds / Inadequate perfusion

What is the easiest way to open the airway of a trauma patient? - Jaw Thrust

What is a problem with intubation? - It requires a lot of practice.

When you arrive on scene and find your patient with their airway full of blood, how long should you suction for? - Until the airway is complete clear from blood.

What is the best way to confirm you have good a good ET Tube in place? - End Tidal

When should you start the secondary assessment on a trauma patient? - When time and situation allows.

What are some pre-arrival factors you should be considering upon arrival to your designated call? - Time of day / Weather / Location / Hazards Involved / Possible additional needs

What is the main reason for a primary assessment on a trauma patient? - To identify and treat immediate life threats.

What is the most common type of shock and what is the main cause of shock? - Hemorrhagic Shock due to either uncontrolled internal / external hemorrhage

When wanting to get a patient off scene quickly what is a piece of equipment that is best suited for this situation? - Scoop Stretcher

What is the first thing that should be treated on a trauma patient? And once that is treated what should you focus on next? - First treat the ABC's then any other immediate life threats

What is one of the earliest signs you may see on a patient who is starting to go into shock? - Increased Ventilatory Rate

When you show up on scene and find your patient bleeding out, what are the two steps you should take to take care of that bleeding situation? - Step 1 = direct pressure / step 2 = apply tourniquet

What do you want your Blood Pressure to be at if you have a trauma patient? - Systolic Blood Pressure of 80

What do you want your blood pressure to be for neurogenic patients? - Systolic Blood Pressure of 90

What is the goal as prehospital providers that we want to establish for our patients? - Restore and maintain airway, ventilation, oxygenation, circulation, and quick transport time for trauma patients.

Two of the most important prehospital maneuvers are those that provide and maintain __________________________ patency and ______________________ ventilation. - Airway Patency and Pulmonary Ventilation

Refers to the process by which oxygen concentration increases within a tissue. - Oxygenation

Mechanical exchange of air between the outside environment and the alveoli of the lungs. - Ventilation

Are critical steps in minimizing the overall brain injury and improving the likelihood of good outcome. - Ensure a patent airway / Maintaining patients oxygenation / Supporting Ventilation

What two functions does the respiratory system serve? - Provide Oxygen to red blood cells / Remove Carbon Dioxide from the body

Process by which oxygen enters the bloodstream and Carbon Dioxide is removed. - Gas Exchange

With each breath, how much air does the average adult approximately take in? - 500 ml of air

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