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FIRST STAGE OF LABOR - The first stage occurs from onset of true labor contractions till dilation and effacement of the uterus.

2nd stage of labor - The hallmark finding in the second stage of labor is the complete delivery of the baby.

3rd stage of labor - The third stage occurs when the placenta delivers.

Ligaments connect.... - Bone to Bone

Tendons connect - Bone to Muscle

START Triage 1st Step - START triage begins by asking patients to get up and walk to a collection point

START Triage 2nd step - respirations are assessed

START Triage 3rd Step - if the patient is not breathing, the airway is opened.

START Triage 4th Step - Pulse is then assessed

START Triage 5th Step - Check mental status.

Rule of 9's:Child:BACK - child's back represents 18% of his body surface area

Rule of 9's:Child: Both Legs (Front & Back) - the front and back of both legs each represent 7%

Rule of 9's:Child:Torso (Front & Back) - child's anterior and posterior torso would represent 36%

Primary blast stage - also known as the pressure wave), damages hollow, gas containing organs of the body such as the lungs, GI system, inner ears, and sinuses.

Secondary blast - The secondary phase causes cause blunt and penetration injuries from flying debris.

Tertiary phase of blast - tertiary phase are injuries sustained from the patient being thrown back and impacting something (wall, ground, etc.).

A 71-year-old female has fallen and complains of left hip pain. On examination you note her left foot is rotated laterally. This finding most likely indicates a - femur fracture

"5 Rights" of medication administration. - right patient, right medication, right route, right dose, and right time.

If you are responsible for establishing the landing zone for the helicopter, what is the minimum size of the LZ you should prepare assuming the rescue efforts are occurring at night? - The minimum size of the landing zone at night is 100' by 100'. During daylight, the minimum LZ zone is 60' by 60'. In either situation the LZ should be square, with a marker indicating the direction of wind travel

Which one of the following is a sign of Cushing's triad (Cushing's reflex) that occurs with traumatic brain injury? - The vital signs are an increased blood pressure, slowing pulse rate, and irregular respirations (classically seen as Cheyne-Stokes).

Classes of hemorrhage - A Class III hemorrhage is said to occur when the patient has lost 30-40% of their circulating blood volume. This is a significant bleed due to the fact that the body's compensatory mechanisms are maximized, and any additional blood loss will now create significant disturbances in hemodynamic stability. In Class I and II hemorrhage, blood pressure remains acceptable, in Class IV hemorrhage the blood pressure drops dangerously low.

APGAR SCORE - Appearance: 0=blue/pale; 1=blue & pink; 2=no cyanosis-all pink

Pulse Rate: 0=Absent; 1=<100; 2=>100

Reflex: 0=no response to stimuli; 1=grimace; 2=cry or pull away

Activity: 0=None; 1=some flexion,2=flexed arms/legs resisting extension

Respiratory: 0=Absent; 1=weak, irregular; 2=strong, lusty cry

Organs in Upper Right Quadrant of Abs - The liver is found primarily within the boundaries of the upper right quadrant.

Organs in Upper Left Quadrant of Abs - The stomach and spleen are typically found in the upper left quadrant.

Bladder location - The bladder is found on the midline between the lower two quadrants.

Communication "Reflection" - Reflection is a technique where you paraphrase the patient's words to encourage more information and to build trust

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