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What are the basic patient assessment components for trauma patients? - Scene size-up/ MOI
Secondary assessment

Examples of an open wound include: - Impaled object
Dog bite

Select the best option to open the airway of a patient w/ a suspected spinal injury - Jaw-thrust maneuver

Accurately identify signs related to compensated shock - Narrow pulse pressure
Clammy skin

Which of these lists examples of the deadly dozen chest injuries? - Esophageal injury
Myocardial contusion
Airway obstruction

Select the best option to identify possible signs of genitourinary (GU) injury - Hematuria
Blood at the opening of urethra

Which of these is the most likely indication of a head injury? - Unequal pupil dilation

Select the safest method for handling a patient w/ an impaled object in the thigh - Stabilize the impaled object w/ bulky dressing; DON'T remove the object

The best method to care for a non-traumatic nosebleed is to put the - Patient in an upright sitting position, head forward, and pinch nostrils

What type of injury should be suspected when the patient presents w/ "raccoon eyes?" - Skull injury or fracture

Select the best technique or device to use if extremity bleeding doesn't stop with pressure? - Tourniquet

What does the acronym HAPE mean? - High altitude pulmonary edema

What is the first step to consider in the process of caring for a patient in extreme cold w/ exposure? - Prepare to prevent personal harm from cold exposure

During the physical assessment of a patient w/ chest injuries, you palpate the chest and feel crepitus. What does this indicate? - Bones grinding together

A patient who is found unconscious after swimming in shallow water may have experienced - Breath-holding syncope

Which of these is not true about assessing internal injuries and bleeding? - Pain is usually not an indicator of internal bleeding from injuries

What kind of injury is evident when the skin is intact and bruised? - Contusion

Select the best treatment option for a patient w/ an open abdominal wound and organs protruding - Cover with a sterile saline moistened gauze and secure with an occlusive dressing

What is a description of a partial thickness (second degree) burn? - Intense pain
Moist skin

What organ/system is at high risk for injury during blast injuries - inner ear/auditory canal

What is the definition of the Golden Hour? - The golden hour refers to the time from injury to definitive care

You are an off-duty EMT who is playing at the park with your children. You are pushing your daughter on a swing, and you notice a young boy fall four feet off a play structure, striking his head on the soft ground. You run over to the child and begin an assessment, as his mother approaches the child. You explain that you are an EMT, and ask if you can assess her child. She agrees and tells you her son is five years old. Your patient opens his eyes spontaneously, is confused when speaking, and obeys your commands. What is the patient's Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score? - 14

What does the "T" stand for in DCAP-BTLS? - Tenderness

Using the classification system, what percentage of a pediatric patient's body surface is affected when they have moderate partial-thickness burns? - 10-20%

You are assessing a three-year-old male who was involved in a vehicle rollover with ejection from his car seat. Your patient is unconscious, unresponsive, with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) draining from his ears. What type of injury is most commonly associated with CSF drainage from the ears? - Basilar skull fracture

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