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NSG 6440 Practice Test / Psychotherapeutics 2024

 NSG 6440 Practice Test / Psychotherapeutics 2024

Chapter Overview - - Major types of psychotherapy include psychoanalytic, humanistic, behavior, cognitive, and individual, group, and family psychotherapy.
Issues in psychotherapy include culture, gender, values, effective factors and types, and the evaluation of psychotherapy effectiveness.
We'll also look at biomedical therapies such as drugs, brain stimulation, surgery, and lifestyle change.

-Finally, we'll briefly consider the prevention of psychological disorders.

Therapy - Therapy refers to how mental disorders are treated, with the help of the knowledge base of psychology.

Current Forms of Therapy - Psychotherapy:
an interactive experience with a trained professional, working on understanding and changing behavior, thinking, relationships, and emotions

Combining Therapies - Biomedical therapy:
the use of medications and other procedures acting directly on the body to reduce the symptoms of mental disorders

Combining Therapies - -An eclectic approach uses techniques from various forms of therapy to fit the client's problems, strengths, and preferences.

Combining Therapies - Medications and psychotherapy can be used together, and may help the each other achieve better reduction in symptoms

Noteworthy Schools of Psychotherapy - Psychoanalysis, psychodynamic therapy
_ Sigmund Freud's legacy carried on today.

Noteworthy Schools of Psychotherapy - - Humanistic, client-centered therapy
Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow

Noteworthy Schools of Psychotherapy - - Behavior therapy, using classical operant conditioning
_ B.F. Skinner and Ivan Pavlov applied to people.

Noteworthy Schools of Psychotherapy - - Cognitive thereapy, changing thoughts
Aaron Beck and Albert Ellis, reducing errors and distress

Psychoanalysis - - The first formal psychotherapy to emerge was psychoanalysis, developed by Sigmund Freud.

- Sigmund Freud's famous couch

Psychoanalysis: Aims - - Since psychological problems originate from childhood repressed impulses and conflicts, the aim of psychoanalysis is to bring repressed feelings into conscious awareness where the patient can deal with them.

- When energy devoted to id-ego-superego conflicts is released, the patient's anxiety lessens

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