€ 24.87



An elderly client who requires frequent monitoring fell and fractured a hip. Which nurse
is at greatest risk for a malpractice judgment?
A) A nurse who worked the 7 to 3 shift at the hospital and wrote poor nursing notes.
B) The nurse assigned to care for the client who was at lunch at the time of the fall.
C) The nurse who transferred the client to the chair when the fall occurred.
D) The charge nurse who completed rounds 30 minutes before the fall occurred. -
ANSWER-C) The nurse who transferred the client to the chair when the fall occurred
The four elements of malpractice are: breach of duty owed, failure to adhere to the
recognized standard of care, direct causation of injury, and evidence of actual injury.
The hip fracture is the actual injury and the standard of care was "frequent monitoring."
(C) implies that duty was owed and the injury occurred while the nurse was in charge of
the client's care. There is no evidence of negligence in (A, B, and D)
The nurse observes an unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) taking a client's blood
pressure with a cuff that is too small, but the blood pressure reading obtained is within
the client's usual range. What action is most important for the nurse to implement?
A) Tell the UAP to use a larger cuff at the next scheduled assessment.
B) Reassess the client's blood pressure using a larger cuff.
C) Have the unit educator review this procedure with the UAPs.
D) Teach the UAP the correct technique for assessing blood pressure. - ANSWER-B)
Reassess the client's blood pressure using a larger cuff
The most important action is to ensure that an accurate BP reading is obtained. The
nurse should reassess the BP with the correct size cuff (B). Reassessment should not
be postponed (A). Though (C and D) are likely indicated, these actions do not have the
priority of (B).
An elderly client with a fractured left hip is on strict bedrest. Which nursing measure is
essential to the client's nursing care?
A) Massage any reddened areas for at least five minutes.
B) Encourage active range of motion exercises on extremities.
C) Position the client laterally, prone, and dorsally in sequence.
D) Gently lift the client when moving into a desired position. - ANSWER-D) Gently lift
the client when moving into a desired position
To avoid shearing forces when repositioning, the client should be lifted gently across a
surface (D). Reddened areas should not be massaged (A) since this may increase the
damage to already traumatized skin. To control pain and muscle spasms, active range
of motion (B) may be limited on the affected leg. The position described in (C) is
contraindicated for a client with a fractured left hip.
A client with pneumonia has a decrease in oxygen saturation from 94% to 88% while
ambulating. Based on these findings, which intervention should the nurse implement
A) Assist the ambulating client back to the bed.
B) Encourage the client to ambulate to resolve pneumonia.
C) Obtain a prescription for portable oxygen while ambulating.
D) Move the oximetry probe from the finger to the earlobe. - ANSWER-A) Assist the
ambulating client back to the bed
An oxygen saturation below 90% indicates inadequate oxygenation. First, the client
should be assisted to return to bed (A) to minimize oxygen demands. Ambulation
increases aeration of the lungs to prevent pooling of respiratory secretions, but the
client's activity at this time is depleting oxygen saturation of the blood, so (B) is
contraindicated. Increased activity increases respiratory effort, and oxygen may be
necessary to continue ambulation (C), but first the client should return to bed to rest.
Oxygen saturation levels at different sites should be evaluated after the client returns to
bed (D).
During the initial morning assessment, a male client denies dysuria but reports that his
urine appears dark amber. Which intervention should the nurse implement?
A) Provide additional coffee on the client's breakfast tray.
B) Exchange the client's grape juice for cranberry juice.
C) Bring the client additional fruit at mid-morning.
D) Encourage additional oral intake of juices and water. - ANSWER-D) Encourage
additional oral intake of juices and water
Dark amber urine is characteristic of fluid volume deficit, and the client should be
encouraged to increase fluid intake (D). Caffeine, however, is a diuretic (A), and may
worsen the fluid volume deficit. Any type of juice will be beneficial (B), since the client is
not dysuric, a sign of an urinary tract infection. The client needs to restore fluid volume
more than solid foods (C).
The nurse notices that the mother a 9-year-old Vietnamese child always looks at the
floor when she talks to the nurse. What action should the nurse take?
A) Talk directly to the child instead of the mother.
B) Continue asking the mother questions about the child.
C) Ask another nurse to interview the mother now.
D) Tell the mother politely to look at you when answering. - ANSWER-B) Continue
asking the mother questions about the child
Eye contact is a culturally-influenced form of non-verbal communication. In some nonWestern cultures, such as the Vietnamese culture, a client or family member may avoid
eye contact as a form of respect, so the nurse should continue to ask the mother
questions about the child (B). (A, C, and D) are not indicated.
The nurse observes that a male client has removed the covering from an ice pack
applied to his knee. What action should the nurse take first?
A) Observe the appearance of the skin under the ice pack.
B) Instruct the client regarding the need for the covering.
C) Reapply the covering after filling with fresh ice.
D) Ask the client how long the ice was applied to the skin. - ANSWER-A) Observe the
appearance of the skin under the ice pack
The first action taken by the nurse should be to assess the skin for any possible thermal
injury (A). If no injury to the skin has occurred, the nurse can take the other actions (B,
C, and D) as needed.
The nurse witnesses the signature of a client who has signed an informed consent.
Which statement best explains this nursing responsibility?
A) The client voluntarily signed the form.
B) The client fully understands the procedure.
C) The client agrees with the procedure to be done.
D) The client authorizes continued treatment. - ANSWER-A) The client voluntarily
signed the form
The nurse signs the consent form to witness that the client voluntarily signs the consent
(A), that the client's signature is authentic, and that the client is otherwise competent to
give consent. It is the healthcare provider's responsibility to ensure the client fully
understands the procedure (B). The nurse's signature does not indicate(C or D)
The healthcare provider prescribes morphine sulfate 4mg IM STAT. Morphine comes in
8 mg per ml. How many ml should the nurse administer?
A) 0.5 ml.
B) 1 ml.
C) 1.5 ml.
D) 2 ml. - ANSWER-A) 0.5 ml
A client is to receive cimetidine (Tagamet) 300 mg q6h IVPB. The preparation arrives
from the pharmacy diluted in 50 ml of 0.9% NaCl. The nurse plans to administer the
IVPB dose over 20 minutes. For how many ml/hr should the infusion pump be set to
deliver the secondary infusion? - ANSWER-150 ml/hr
A client's infusion of normal saline infiltrated earlier today, and approximately 500 ml of
saline infused into the subcutaneous tissue. The client is now complaining of
excruciating arm pain and demanding "stronger pain medications." What initial action is
most important for the nurse to take?
A) Ask about any past history of drug abuse or addiction.
B) Measure the pulse volume and capillary refill distal to the infiltration.
C) Compress the infiltrated tissue to measure the degree of edema.
D) Evaluate the extent of ecchymosis over the forearm area. - ANSWER-B) Measure
the pulse volume and capillary refill distal to the infiltration
Pain and diminished pulse volume (B) are signs of compartment syndrome, which can
progress to complete loss of the peripheral pulse in the extremity. Compartment
syndrome occurs when external pressure (usually from a cast), or internal pressure
(usually from subcu infused fluid), exceeds capillary perfusion pressure resulting in
decreased bolld flow to the extremity. (A) should not be pursued until physical causes of
the pain are ruled out. (C) is of less priority than determining the effects of the edema on
circulation and nerve function. Further assessment of the client's ecchymosis can be
delayed until the signs of edema and compression that suggest compartment syndrome
have been examined (D).
A nurse is preparing to give medications through a nasogastric feeding tube. Which
nursing action should prevent complications during administration?
A) Mix each medication individually.
B) Use sterile gloves for the procedure.
C) Monitor vital signs before giving medications.
D) Mix all medications together to facilitate administration. - ANSWER-A) Mix each
medication individually
Medications should be mixed separately (A) to prevent clumping. (B, C, and D) are not
The nurse is administering medications through a nasogastric tube (NGT) which is
connected to suction. After ensuring correct tube placement, what action should the
nurse take next?
A) Clamp the tube for 20 minutes.
B) Flush the tube with water.
C) Administer the medications as prescribed.
D) Crush the tablets and dissolve in sterile water. - ANSWER-B) Flush the tube with
The NGT tube should be flushed before, after and in between each medication
administered (B). Once all medications are administered, the NGT should be clamped
for 20 minutes (A). (C and D) may be implemented only after the tubing has been
Which intervention is most important for the nurse to implement for a male client who is
experiencing urinary retention?
A) Apply a condom catheter.
B) Apply a skin protectant.
C) Encourage increased fluid intake.
D) Assess for bladder distention. - ANSWER-D) Assess for bladder distention
Urinary retention is the inability to void all urine collected in the bladder, which leads to
uncomfortable bladder distension (D). (A and B) are useful actions to protect the skin of
a client with urinary incontinence. (C) may worsen the bladder distension
An IV infusion terbutaline sulfate 5 mg in 500 ml of D5W, is infusing at a rate of 30
mcg/min prescribed for a client in premature labor. How many ml/hr should the nurse
set the infusion pump?
A) 30
B) 60
C) 120
D) 180 - ANSWER-D) 180
A client who is in hospice care complains of increasing amounts of pain. The healthcare
provider prescribes an analgesic every four hours as needed. Which action should the
nurse implement?
A) Give an around-the-clock schedule for administration of analgesics.
B) Administer analgesic medication as needed when the pain is severe.
C) Provide medication to keep the client sedated and unaware of stimuli.
D) Offer a medication-free period so that the client can do daily activities. - ANSWER-A)
Give an around-the-clock schedule for administration of analgesics
The most effective management of pain is achieved using an around-the-clock schedule
that provides analgesic medications on a regular basis (A) and in a timely manner.
Analgesics are less effective if pain persists until it is severe, so an analgesic
medication should be administered before the client's pain peaks (B). Providing comfort
is a priority for the client who is dying, but sedation that impairs the client's ability to
interact and experience the time before life ends should be minimized (C). Offering a
medication-free period allows the serum drug level to fall, which is not an effective
method to manage chronic pain (D)
At the time of the first dressing change, the client refuses to look at her mastectomy
incision. The nurse tells the client that the incision is healing well, but the client refuses
to talk about it. What would be an appropriate response to this client's silence?
A) It is normal to feel angry and depressed, but the sooner you deal with this surgery,
the better you will feel.
B) Looking at your incision can be frightening, but facing this fear is a necessary part of
your recovery.
C) It is OK if you don't want to talk about your surgery. I will be available when you are
D) I will ask a woman who has had a mastectomy to come by and share her
experiences with you. - ANSWER-C) It is OK if you don't want to talk about your
surgery. I will be available when you are ready
(C) displays sensitivity and understanding without judging the client. (A) is judgmental in
that it is telling the client how she feels and is also insensitive. (B) would give the client
a chance to talk, but is also demanding and demeaning. (D) displays a positive action,
but, because the nurse's personal support is not offered, this response could be
interpreted as dismissing the client and avoiding the problem
When assessing a client with wrist restraints, the nurse observes that the fingers on the
right hand are blue. What action should the nurse implement first?
A) Loosen the right wrist restraint.
B) Apply a pulse oximeter to the right hand.
C) Compare hand color bilaterally.
D) Palpate the right radial pulse. - ANSWER-A) Loosen the right wrist restraint

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NGN ATI CAN COMPETENCY EXAM 2024 ACTUAL EXAM 2OO QUESTIONS AND CORRECT DETAILED ANSWERS (VERIFIED ANSWERS) ALREADY GRADED A+ A nurse is caring for a school-aged child who is in Buck's traction following a leg fracture 24 hr ago. Which actions should the nurse take? a. change childs position every 2 hr b. clean the peripheral pin sites with chlorhexidine solution every 4 days c. assess peripheral pulses every 4 hr d. ensure that the head of the bed is elevated to a 90 degree angle - AANSWER-c. assess peripheral pulses every 4 hr - traction may lead to neurovascular compromise --> the nurse should assess for edema, pulses, pain, color & temp of affected extremity every 4 hours - nurse should report signs of neurovascular impairment in the extremities such as cyanosis, edema, pain, absent pulses and tingling a nurse is providing discharge teaching to the parent of a child who is 1 week postoperative following a cleft palate repair. for which of the following members of the inter professional team should the nurse initiate a referral? - AANSWER-speech therapist A nurse on a pediatric floor is admitting a preschooler. Vital Signs 0715: Temperature 38.3° C (100.9° F)Heart rate 126/minRespiratory rate 26/minPulse oximeter 97% Physical Examination 0715: Guardians report that the child has been tired lately and has been experiencing a sore throat and fever. Child is tolerating sips of liquids, but is refusing solid foods. Guardians report that the child is voiding dark yellow urine. 0730:Child is alert and responsive to verbal stimuli. Mucous membranes are dry and sticky. Skin turgor without tenting. Tonsils enlarged and erythematous. Respirations are regular and non-labored. No accessory muscle use noted. Lungs clear anterior and posterior bilaterally. Point of maximum intensity (PMI) in the left mid-clavicular line 4th intercostal space. Heart rate is regular without murmurs, gallops, or rubs. Radial and pedal pulse 2+ bilaterally. Capillary refill greater than 2 seconds. A - AANSWER-The nurse should identify that the child is at risk for developing splenomegaly as evidenced by positive mononucleosis rapid test. a nurse is teaching the parent of infant who has a Pavlik harness for the treatment of developmental dysplasia of the hip. the nurse should identify that which of the following statements by the parent indicates an understanding of the teaching? a. "I should remove the harness at night to allow my infant to stretch her legs." b. "I will need to adjust the straps on the harness once each week." c. "I should apply baby powder to my infant's skin twice daily." d. "I will place my infant's diapers under the harness straps." - AANSWER-d. "I will place my infant's diapers under the harness straps" A nurse is caring for a toddler who has spastic (pyramidal) cerebral palsy. Which of the following do you expect to find? (all that apply) a. Negative Babinksi reflex b. Ankle clonus c. Exaggerated stretch reflexes d. Uncontrollable movements of the face e. Contractures - AANSWER-b, c, e - ankle clonus - exag stretch reflexes - contractures A nurse in the ED is performing a physical assessment on a 2 week old male newborn. Which findings is the priority for nurse to report to provider? a. excoriated scrotal area b. multiple capillary hemangiomas c. depressed posterior fontanel d. substernal retractions - AANSWER-d. Substernal retractions (*priority finding) - When using the airway, breathing, circulation approach to client care, the nurse should determine that the priority finding to report to the provider is substernal retractions. This finding indicates the infant is experiencing acute respiratory distress and increased respiratory effort, which could quickly progress to respiratory failure. - The nurse should report a depressed posterior fontanel. However, this is not the priority finding. A nurse s preparing to collect a sample form a toddler for a sickle-turbidity test. Which actions should the nurse plan to take? a. obtain a sputum collection b. perform an Allen test c. Perform a finger stick d. Obtain a stool specimen - AANSWER-c. perform a finger stick - if the test is positive, hemoglobin electrophoresis is required to distinguish between children who has the genetic trait and children who have the disease A nurse is providing teaching to the parent of an infant who has diaper dermatitis. The nurse should instruct the parent to apply which of the following tp the effected area? a. zinc oxide b. antibiotic ointment c. talcum powder d. antiseptic solution - AANSWER-a. zinc oxide - diaper dermatitis is a common inflammatory skin disorder caused by contact with an irritant such as urine, feces, soap, or friction & takes the form of scaling, blisters, or papules with erythema. Providing a protective barrier, such as zinc oxide, against the irritants allows the skin to heal When you are communicating with residents, you need to remember to a. look away when they make direct eye contact b. speak rapidly and loudly c. face the resident and make eye contact d. finish all their sentences for them - ANSWER-c. face the resident and make eye contact You are measuring Mrs. Clark's pulse and it is 98 beats per minute, which is significantly different than her normal pulse. You should a. ignore this, as pulse rates always fluctuate in older people b. report this to the charge nurse c. encourage Mrs. Clark to exercise more d. call the doctor immediately - ANSWER-b. report this to the charge nurse All of these devices can be used to help a person to use regular toileting facilities with more ease EXCEPT a. elevated toilet seat b. bedside commode c. grab bars on the wall next to the toilet d. eggcrate mattress - ANSWER-d. eggcrate mattress Mr. Russell keeps getting up from his wheelchair. Instead of using a restraint you should ask him if a. he needs to go to the toilet b. he is hungry again after just having eaten c. a new long term care home would suit him better d. he is just being difficult - ANSWER-a. he needs to go to the toilet All of the following are in the Resident Bill of Rights EXCEPT a. the right to form militant groups in the facility b. the right to be free from sexual, verbal, physical, or mental abuse c. the right to be free of corporal punishment and involuntary seclusion d. the right to choose activities - ANSWER-a. the right to form militant groups in the facility Increased respiratory rate is a. bradypnea b. apnea c. dyspnea d. tachypnea - ANSWER-d. tachypnea A male staff member is overheard telling Mary, "What a sexy top you have on today." Mary walks away red faced. This could be considered a. sexual abuse b. sexual harassment c. complimentary behavior d. adolescent behavior - ANSWER-b. sexual harassment Mrs. White has turned on her call light four times in the last hour. When the nursing assistant goes to her room she should say, "Mrs. White, a. Is there something I can help you with?" b. I can't be running to your room every fifteen minutes." c. Turning on your call light all the time is disturbing the other residents." d. Do not call us again. We are very busy." - ANSWER-a. Is there something I can help you with?" A nursing assistant is allowed to a. give medication from the bedside table b. give water through the nasogastric tube c. accept orders from a physician over the telephone d. empty the resident's Foley catheter bag - ANSWER-d. empty the resident's Foley catheter bag When nursing assistants complain of frequent back aches, the most likely factor contributing to their back problem would be a. pushing or pulling heavy objects b. bending over to tie their resident's shoe laces c. keeping their feet shoulder width apart d. bending their knees and lifting with their legs - ANSWER-b. bending over to tie their resident's shoe laces You walk into the dining room. The conscious resident has his hands to his throat and is making no sounds. The first thing you will do is: a. call 911 b. call the nurse c. start chest compressions d. ask, "Are you choking?" - ANSWER-d. ask, "Are you choking?" The nursing assistant is transferring a resident from the bed to the chair. The nursing assistant should a. stand with feet apart b. bend from the waist c. stand away from the resident d. ask for assistance - ANSWER-a. stand with feet apart Casually sharing personal information about a resident with co-workers outside the workplace is considered a. appropriate b. inappropriate c. OK if it relieves your stress d. usually allowed - ANSWER-b. inappropriate All behavior has meaning to the: a. facility psychologist b. person performing the behavior c. person observing the behavior d. person who is talking - ANSWER-b. person performing the behavior A prerequisite for becoming a successful nursing assistant will include a. being involved in community activities b. being a pillar of society c. possessing maturity and sensitivity d. having a good business background - ANSWER-c. possessing maturity and sensitivity A contracture is the lack of joint mobility caused by abnormal shortening of a muscle. This causes the muscle to be a. swollen, limits the mobility and stretches with difficulty b. swollen, deformed and cannot stretch c. fixed into position, deformed and stretches with difficulty d. fixed into position, deformed and cannot stretch - ANSWER-d. fixed into position, deformed and cannot stretch Before trimming a resident's fingernails or toenails the nursing assistant soaks them in warm water. How many minutes should you soak the resident's hands and/or feet? a. 2 -3 and 7-8. b. 4-6 and 8-10. c. 5-10 and 15-20. d. 10-15 and 25-30. - ANSWER-b. 4-6 and 8-10. Care that is focused on comfort and symptom relief rather than cure is a. post mortum b. palliative c. bereavement d. advanced directive - ANSWER-b. palliative You are caring for a resident who has a diagnosis of Clostridium difficile. You understand a. using an alcohol based hand sanitizer is appropriate to use after caring for the resident b. the resident will have his own dedicated equipment such as blood pressure cuffs c. Clostridium difficile is a spore-forming virus found in the intestinal flora d. Clostridium difficile is not contagious and the resident is able to participate in resident activities - ANSWER-b. the resident will have his own dedicated equipment such as blood pressure cuffs The organ that pumps the blood around the body is a. brain b. liver c. heart d. spleen - ANSWER-c. heart  Bundle content 3 documents | 143 pages  Study Documents ATI TEAS 7 BIOLOGY 2024 ACTUAL  EXAM 250 QUESTIONS AND CORRECT  DETAILED ANSWERS WITH  RATIONALES (VERIFIED ANSWERS)  GRADEDA Preview ATI TEAS 7 BIOLOGY 2024 ACTUAL EXAM 250 QUESTIONS AND CORRECT DETAILED ANSWERS WITH RATIONALES (VERIFIED ANSWERS) GRADEDA $ 25,94 hits 21 pages ATI TEAS 7 BIOLOGY 2024 ACTUAL EXAM 250 QUESTIONS AND CORRECT DETAILED ANSWERS WITH RATIONALES (VERIFIED ANSWERS) GRADEDA What happens when proteins are made on the ribosomes of the rough endoplasmic reticulum? - ANSWER-they are packaged in parts of...  school Chamberlain College Of Nursing / NURSING / ATI RN FUNDAMENTALS PROCTORED 2024  ACTUAL EXAM ALL QUESTIONS AND  CORRECT DETAILED ANSWERS WITH RATIONALES (VERIFIED ANSWERS) GRADED A+ Preview ATI RN FUNDAMENTALS PROCTORED 2024 ACTUAL EXAM ALL QUESTIONS AND CORRECT DETAILED ANSWERS WITH RATIONALES (VERIFIED ANSWERS) GRADED A+ $ 26,74 hits 26 pages ATI RN FUNDAMENTALS PROCTORED 2024 ACTUAL EXAM ALL QUESTIONS AND CORRECT DETAILED ANSWERS WITH RATIONALES (VERIFIED ANSWERS) GRADED A+ A nurse on a med-surg unit has received change-of-shift report & will care for 4 clients. Which of the following...  school Chamberlain College Of Nursing / NURSING / ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR EXAM  ACTUAL 2024 EXAM ALL 400 QUESTIONS  AND ANSWERS, DEATAILED ANSWERS  WITH RATIONALES (VERIFIED ANSWERS)  ALREADY GRADED A+ Preview ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR EXAM ACTUAL 2024 EXAM ALL 400 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS, DEATAILED ANSWERS WITH RATIONALES (VERIFIED ANSWERS) ALREADY GRADED A+ $ 25,85 hits 96 pages ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR EXAM ACTUAL 2024 EXAM ALL 400 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS, DEATAILED ANSWERS WITH RATIONALES (VERIFIED ANSWERS) ALREADY GRADED A+ A nurse is caring for a client who was admitted for acute alcohol delirium withdrawal 2 days ago....  school Chamberlain College Of Nursing / NURSING / Seller  Beatricew 18 Documents uploaded  Send Message Send Message Share facebook shareShare bundle on facebook Edit bundle Edit bundle Delete bundle Delete bundle Previously viewed by you ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR EXAM  ACTUAL 2024 EXAM ALL 400 QUESTIONS  AND ANSWERS, DEATAILED ANSWERS  WITH RATIONALES (VERIFIED ANSWERS)  ALREADY GRADED A+ $ 25,85  96 pages ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR EXAM ACTUAL 2024 EXAM ALL 400 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS, DEATAILED ANSWERS WITH RATIONALES (VERIFIED ANSWERS) ALREADY GRADED A+ HESI RN FUNDAMENTALS EXIT EXAM  NEWEST 2024 EXIT EXAM COMPLETE 350  QUESTIONS AND CORRECT DETAILED  ANSWERSWITH RATIONALES (VERIFIED  ANSWERS) ALREADY GRADED A+ $ 26,80  38 pages HESI RN FUNDAMENTALS EXIT EXAM NEWEST 2024 EXIT EXAM COMPLETE 350 QUESTIONS AND CORRECT DETAILED ANSWERSWITH RATIONALES (VERIFIED ANSWERS) ALREADY GRADED A+ Knoowy uses both functional and analytical
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NGN ATI CAN COMPETENCY EXAM 2024 ACTUAL EXAM 2OO QUESTIONS AND CORRECT DETAILED ANSWERS (VERIFIED ANSWERS) ALREADY GRADED A+ A nurse is caring for a school-aged child who is in Buck's traction following a leg fracture 24 hr ago. Which actions should the nurse take? a. change childs position every 2 hr b. clean the peripheral pin sites with chlorhexidine solution every 4 days c. assess peripheral pulses every 4 hr d. ensure that the head of the bed is elevated to a 90 degree angle - AANSWER-c. assess peripheral pulses every 4 hr - traction may lead to neurovascular compromise --> the nurse should assess for edema, pulses, pain, color & temp of affected extremity every 4 hours - nurse should report signs of neurovascular impairment in the extremities such as cyanosis, edema, pain, absent pulses and tingling a nurse is providing discharge teaching to the parent of a child who is 1 week postoperative following a cleft palate repair. for which of the following members of the inter professional team should the nurse initiate a referral? - AANSWER-speech therapist A nurse on a pediatric floor is admitting a preschooler. Vital Signs 0715: Temperature 38.3° C (100.9° F)Heart rate 126/minRespiratory rate 26/minPulse oximeter 97% Physical Examination 0715: Guardians report that the child has been tired lately and has been experiencing a sore throat and fever. Child is tolerating sips of liquids, but is refusing solid foods. Guardians report that the child is voiding dark yellow urine. 0730:Child is alert and responsive to verbal stimuli. Mucous membranes are dry and sticky. Skin turgor without tenting. Tonsils enlarged and erythematous. Respirations are regular and non-labored. No accessory muscle use noted. Lungs clear anterior and posterior bilaterally. Point of maximum intensity (PMI) in the left mid-clavicular line 4th intercostal space. Heart rate is regular without murmurs, gallops, or rubs. Radial and pedal pulse 2+ bilaterally. Capillary refill greater than 2 seconds. A - AANSWER-The nurse should identify that the child is at risk for developing splenomegaly as evidenced by positive mononucleosis rapid test. a nurse is teaching the parent of infant who has a Pavlik harness for the treatment of developmental dysplasia of the hip. the nurse should identify that which of the following statements by the parent indicates an understanding of the teaching? a. "I should remove the harness at night to allow my infant to stretch her legs." b. "I will need to adjust the straps on the harness once each week." c. "I should apply baby powder to my infant's skin twice daily." d. "I will place my infant's diapers under the harness straps." - AANSWER-d. "I will place my infant's diapers under the harness straps" A nurse is caring for a toddler who has spastic (pyramidal) cerebral palsy. Which of the following do you expect to find? (all that apply) a. Negative Babinksi reflex b. Ankle clonus c. Exaggerated stretch reflexes d. Uncontrollable movements of the face e. Contractures - AANSWER-b, c, e - ankle clonus - exag stretch reflexes - contractures A nurse in the ED is performing a physical assessment on a 2 week old male newborn. Which findings is the priority for nurse to report to provider? a. excoriated scrotal area b. multiple capillary hemangiomas c. depressed posterior fontanel d. substernal retractions - AANSWER-d. Substernal retractions (*priority finding) - When using the airway, breathing, circulation approach to client care, the nurse should determine that the priority finding to report to the provider is substernal retractions. This finding indicates the infant is experiencing acute respiratory distress and increased respiratory effort, which could quickly progress to respiratory failure. - The nurse should report a depressed posterior fontanel. However, this is not the priority finding. A nurse s preparing to collect a sample form a toddler for a sickle-turbidity test. Which actions should the nurse plan to take? a. obtain a sputum collection b. perform an Allen test c. Perform a finger stick d. Obtain a stool specimen - AANSWER-c. perform a finger stick - if the test is positive, hemoglobin electrophoresis is required to distinguish between children who has the genetic trait and children who have the disease A nurse is providing teaching to the parent of an infant who has diaper dermatitis. The nurse should instruct the parent to apply which of the following tp the effected area? a. zinc oxide b. antibiotic ointment c. talcum powder d. antiseptic solution - AANSWER-a. zinc oxide - diaper dermatitis is a common inflammatory skin disorder caused by contact with an irritant such as urine, feces, soap, or friction & takes the form of scaling, blisters, or papules with erythema. Providing a protective barrier, such as zinc oxide, against the irritants allows the skin to heal When you are communicating with residents, you need to remember to a. look away when they make direct eye contact b. speak rapidly and loudly c. face the resident and make eye contact d. finish all their sentences for them - ANSWER-c. face the resident and make eye contact You are measuring Mrs. Clark's pulse and it is 98 beats per minute, which is significantly different than her normal pulse. You should a. ignore this, as pulse rates always fluctuate in older people b. report this to the charge nurse c. encourage Mrs. Clark to exercise more d. call the doctor immediately - ANSWER-b. report this to the charge nurse All of these devices can be used to help a person to use regular toileting facilities with more ease EXCEPT a. elevated toilet seat b. bedside commode c. grab bars on the wall next to the toilet d. eggcrate mattress - ANSWER-d. eggcrate mattress Mr. Russell keeps getting up from his wheelchair. Instead of using a restraint you should ask him if a. he needs to go to the toilet b. he is hungry again after just having eaten c. a new long term care home would suit him better d. he is just being difficult - ANSWER-a. he needs to go to the toilet All of the following are in the Resident Bill of Rights EXCEPT a. the right to form militant groups in the facility b. the right to be free from sexual, verbal, physical, or mental abuse c. the right to be free of corporal punishment and involuntary seclusion d. the right to choose activities - ANSWER-a. the right to form militant groups in the facility Increased respiratory rate is a. bradypnea b. apnea c. dyspnea d. tachypnea - ANSWER-d. tachypnea A male staff member is overheard telling Mary, "What a sexy top you have on today." Mary walks away red faced. This could be considered a. sexual abuse b. sexual harassment c. complimentary behavior d. adolescent behavior - ANSWER-b. sexual harassment Mrs. White has turned on her call light four times in the last hour. When the nursing assistant goes to her room she should say, "Mrs. White, a. Is there something I can help you with?" b. I can't be running to your room every fifteen minutes." c. Turning on your call light all the time is disturbing the other residents." d. Do not call us again. We are very busy." - ANSWER-a. Is there something I can help you with?" A nursing assistant is allowed to a. give medication from the bedside table b. give water through the nasogastric tube c. accept orders from a physician over the telephone d. empty the resident's Foley catheter bag - ANSWER-d. empty the resident's Foley catheter bag When nursing assistants complain of frequent back aches, the most likely factor contributing to their back problem would be a. pushing or pulling heavy objects b. bending over to tie their resident's shoe laces c. keeping their feet shoulder width apart d. bending their knees and lifting with their legs - ANSWER-b. bending over to tie their resident's shoe laces You walk into the dining room. The conscious resident has his hands to his throat and is making no sounds. The first thing you will do is: a. call 911 b. call the nurse c. start chest compressions d. ask, "Are you choking?" - ANSWER-d. ask, "Are you choking?" The nursing assistant is transferring a resident from the bed to the chair. The nursing assistant should a. stand with feet apart b. bend from the waist c. stand away from the resident d. ask for assistance - ANSWER-a. stand with feet apart Casually sharing personal information about a resident with co-workers outside the workplace is considered a. appropriate b. inappropriate c. OK if it relieves your stress d. usually allowed - ANSWER-b. inappropriate All behavior has meaning to the: a. facility psychologist b. person performing the behavior c. person observing the behavior d. person who is talking - ANSWER-b. person performing the behavior A prerequisite for becoming a successful nursing assistant will include a. being involved in community activities b. being a pillar of society c. possessing maturity and sensitivity d. having a good business background - ANSWER-c. possessing maturity and sensitivity A contracture is the lack of joint mobility caused by abnormal shortening of a muscle. This causes the muscle to be a. swollen, limits the mobility and stretches with difficulty b. swollen, deformed and cannot stretch c. fixed into position, deformed and stretches with difficulty d. fixed into position, deformed and cannot stretch - ANSWER-d. fixed into position, deformed and cannot stretch Before trimming a resident's fingernails or toenails the nursing assistant soaks them in warm water. How many minutes should you soak the resident's hands and/or feet? a. 2 -3 and 7-8. b. 4-6 and 8-10. c. 5-10 and 15-20. d. 10-15 and 25-30. - ANSWER-b. 4-6 and 8-10. Care that is focused on comfort and symptom relief rather than cure is a. post mortum b. palliative c. bereavement d. advanced directive - ANSWER-b. palliative You are caring for a resident who has a diagnosis of Clostridium difficile. You understand a. using an alcohol based hand sanitizer is appropriate to use after caring for the resident b. the resident will have his own dedicated equipment such as blood pressure cuffs c. Clostridium difficile is a spore-forming virus found in the intestinal flora d. Clostridium difficile is not contagious and the resident is able to participate in resident activities - ANSWER-b. the resident will have his own dedicated equipment such as blood pressure cuffs The organ that pumps the blood around the body is a. brain b. liver c. heart d. spleen - ANSWER-c. heart Bundle content 3 documents | 143 pages Study Documents ATI TEAS 7 BIOLOGY 2024 ACTUAL EXAM 250 QUESTIONS AND CORRECT DETAILED ANSWERS WITH RATIONALES (VERIFIED ANSWERS) GRADEDA Preview ATI TEAS 7 BIOLOGY 2024 ACTUAL EXAM 250 QUESTIONS AND CORRECT DETAILED ANSWERS WITH RATIONALES (VERIFIED ANSWERS) GRADEDA $ 25,94 hits 21 pages ATI TEAS 7 BIOLOGY 2024 ACTUAL EXAM 250 QUESTIONS AND CORRECT DETAILED ANSWERS WITH RATIONALES (VERIFIED ANSWERS) GRADEDA What happens when proteins are made on the ribosomes of the rough endoplasmic reticulum? - ANSWER-they are packaged in parts of... school Chamberlain College Of Nursing / NURSING / ATI RN FUNDAMENTALS PROCTORED 2024 ACTUAL EXAM ALL QUESTIONS AND CORRECT DETAILED ANSWERS WITH RATIONALES (VERIFIED ANSWERS) GRADED A+ Preview ATI RN FUNDAMENTALS PROCTORED 2024 ACTUAL EXAM ALL QUESTIONS AND CORRECT DETAILED ANSWERS WITH RATIONALES (VERIFIED ANSWERS) GRADED A+ $ 26,74 hits 26 pages ATI RN FUNDAMENTALS PROCTORED 2024 ACTUAL EXAM ALL QUESTIONS AND CORRECT DETAILED ANSWERS WITH RATIONALES (VERIFIED ANSWERS) GRADED A+ A nurse on a med-surg unit has received change-of-shift report & will care for 4 clients. Which of the following... school Chamberlain College Of Nursing / NURSING / ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR EXAM ACTUAL 2024 EXAM ALL 400 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS, DEATAILED ANSWERS WITH RATIONALES (VERIFIED ANSWERS) ALREADY GRADED A+ Preview ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR EXAM ACTUAL 2024 EXAM ALL 400 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS, DEATAILED ANSWERS WITH RATIONALES (VERIFIED ANSWERS) ALREADY GRADED A+ $ 25,85 hits 96 pages ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR EXAM ACTUAL 2024 EXAM ALL 400 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS, DEATAILED ANSWERS WITH RATIONALES (VERIFIED ANSWERS) ALREADY GRADED A+ A nurse is caring for a client who was admitted for acute alcohol delirium withdrawal 2 days ago.... school Chamberlain College Of Nursing / NURSING / Seller Beatricew 18 Documents uploaded Send Message Send Message Share facebook shareShare bundle on facebook Edit bundle Edit bundle Delete bundle Delete bundle Previously viewed by you ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR EXAM ACTUAL 2024 EXAM ALL 400 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS, DEATAILED ANSWERS WITH RATIONALES (VERIFIED ANSWERS) ALREADY GRADED A+ $ 25,85 96 pages ATI COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR EXAM ACTUAL 2024 EXAM ALL 400 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS, DEATAILED ANSWERS WITH RATIONALES (VERIFIED ANSWERS) ALREADY GRADED A+ HESI RN FUNDAMENTALS EXIT EXAM NEWEST 2024 EXIT EXAM COMPLETE 350 QUESTIONS AND CORRECT DETAILED ANSWERSWITH RATIONALES (VERIFIED ANSWERS) ALREADY GRADED A+ $ 26,80 38 pages HESI RN FUNDAMENTALS EXIT EXAM NEWEST 2024 EXIT EXAM COMPLETE 350 QUESTIONS AND CORRECT DETAILED ANSWERSWITH RATIONALES (VERIFIED ANSWERS) ALREADY GRADED A+ Knoowy uses both functional and analytical Bundel bevat 3 items

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