€ 12.02

WGU C784 Applied Healthcare Statistics

WGU C784 Applied Healthcare Statistics

whole numbers - Numbers that do not contain decimals or fractions

Integers - Whole numbers and their opposites

rational numbers - All positive and negative integers, fractions and decimal numbers.

Real numbers - Any number that can be placed on a number line. Including numbers that do not end, and number like pi

A Set - A collection of numbers

Discrete - Values that are distinct, separate and unconnected

Continuous - Values in a set that are connected, without gaps

Quantitative Data - Consists of data values that are numerical, representing qualities that can be counted or measured

Categorical data - Also called qualitative data. Consists of data that are groups, such as names or labels, and are not necessarily numerical.

Graphical displays - Visual displays of data sets

data set - Any collection of numeric values, such as measurements, observations, or survey responses

Distribution - An arrangement of values that illustrates their frequency or occurrence

Pie chart - A graphical display that shows data in categories as percentages of a circle

Bar chart - A graph that displays data that is distributed over groups or categories

Relative frequency - A way to approximate a percentage by dividing the number of times an event occurred in an experiment by the total number of trials.

frequency distribution - A record of the number of times data occurs within a certain category

Dot plot - A graphical representation of data that plots the frequency of data along a horizontal line

Outliers - An observation point (number) that is significantly distant from the other observations in the dataset

Stem plots - A visual representation of data in which individuals data points are plotted to the right of a horizontal line, or chart, and the left (the "stem") shows the interval categories

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