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NCC Electronic Fetal Monitoring Certification exam with answers

NCC Electronic Fetal Monitoring Certification exam with answers

Which of the following factors can have a negative effect on uterine blood flow?
a. Hypertension
b. Epidural
c. Hemorrhage
d. Diabetes
e. All of the above - e. All of the above

How does the fetus compensate for decreased maternal circulating volume?
a. Increases cardiac output by increasing stroke volume.
b. Increases cardiac output by increasing it's heart rate.
c. Increases cardiac output by increasing fetal movement. - b. Increases cardiac output by increasing it's heart rate.

Stimulating the vagus nerve typically produces:
a. A decrease in the heart rate
b. An increase in the heart rate
c. An increase in stroke volume
d. No change - a. A decrease in the heart rate

What initially causes a chemoreceptor response?
a. Epidurals
b. Supine maternal position
c. Increased CO2 levels
d. Decreased O2 levels
e. A & C
f. A & B
g. C & D - g. C & D

The vagus nerve begins maturation 26 to 28 weeks. Its dominance results in what effect to the FHR baseline?
a. Increases baseline
b. Decreases baseline - b. Decreases baseline

T/F: Oxygen exchange in the placenta takes place in the intervillous space. - True

T/F: The parasympathetic nervous system is a cardioaccelerator. - False

T/F: Baroreceptors are stretch receptors which respond to increases or decreases in blood pressure. - True

T/F: There are two electronic fetal monitoring methods of obtaining the fetal heart rate: the ultrasound transducer and the fetal spiral electrode. - True

T/F: Variability can be determined with the fetoscope. - False

T/F: Because the ultrasound transducer and toco transducer are sealed units, they can be dipped in warm water to make cleaning easier. - False

T/F: The most common artifact with the ultrasound transducer system for fetal heart rate is increased variability. - True

T/F: All fetal monitors contain a logic system designed to reject artifact. - True

T/F: The monitor should always be tested before starting a tracing, either external or internal mode and labeled a test. - True

T/F: The paper speed on the fetal monitor should always be set at 1cm/min. - False

T/F: Both internal and external monitoring methods are equally accurate means of obtaining the fetal heart rate and contraction patterns. - False

T/F: The external toco is usually placed over the uterine fundus to pick up contractions. - True

T/F: The external toco gives measurable uterine pressure. - False

T/F: The fetal spiral electrode can be placed when vaginal bleeding of unknown origin is present. - False

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