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A & P 2 Straighter line Final Exam Questions with Verified Answers 2024

 A & P 2 Straighter line Final Exam Questions with Verified Answers 2024

When erythrocytes are destroyed, which of the following events occurs? - The globin portion of the molecule is broken down into amino acids.

Type AB blood - has both A and B antigens on the red cells

In the platelet release reaction, - ADP and thromboxanes stimulate other platelets to become activated.

The hematocrit is - d. the percentage of RBCs in a given volume of blood.

What vitamin is necessary to produce many clotting factors in the liver? - Vitamin K

A white blood cell engulfing a bacterium is an example of blood functioning in - a. protection.

The oxygenated form of hemoglobin is called - oxyhemoglobin

The only formed elements that possess a nucleus when mature are the - c. leukocytes

Plasma - . is the liquid matrix of the blood.

An increased amount of heparin in the blood might - . prevent clotting process.

On which chromosome is there a mutation that leads to sickle cell anemia? - b. chromosome 11

Blood consists of a matrix of plasma and cells; blood is a subtype of ______ tissue. - e. connective

The ability of white blood cells to leave the circulation and enter tissues is called - b. diapedesis.

The nervous system and certain chemicals can cause the constriction of a blood vessel. This is known as - b. vascular spasm

The cascade of events in the intrinsic pathway can be set into motion when _____ comes into contact with collagen. - factor XII

If a blood buffer is absent, what function of the blood would be compromised? - regulation of pH

What is tissue thromboplastin? - A compound released by damaged tissue that initiates the extrinsic clotting pathway

A deficiency of which of the following stem cells would result in a marked increase in the clotting time of blood? - megakaryoblast

Macrophages are derived from - monocytes

Which of the following events is one of the three main stages of coagulation? - conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin

The "pacemaker" of the heart is the - SA node

Where is blood moving during the period of ejection? - Ventricles to great vessels

The adult heart averages ___________ grams. - 250-300

The epicardium - covers the surface of the heart.

Energy for contraction of myocardial cells comes primarily from - aerobic respiration in the mitochondria

What event(s) occur during the QRS complex of an ECG? - depolarization of the ventricles and repolarization of the atria

The relationship between preload and stroke volume is known as - Starling Law of the heart.

Cardiac muscle cells - are maintained by an extensive capillary network.

During the isovolumetric contraction period of the cardiac cycle, - AV and semilunar valves are closed.

Pressure in the right ventricle must exceed pressure in the ____ before the right ventricle can eject blood. - pulmonary trunk

In the cardiac cycle, - all four chambers of the heart are in diastole at the same time.

What cardiac arrhythmia will have no QRS complex as a symptom? - ventricular fibrillation

Which of the following is administered to the people suffering from myocardial infarction following onset of symptoms? - Tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA)

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