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Fontanel closing on newborns - CORRECT ANSWER- anterior 12-18 months posterior 1-2 months
Best time to perform bladder scan - CORRECT ANSWER- immediately after void
Cholecystitis Diet - CORRECT ANSWER- no cheese! low fat, no fatty/greasy food, low cholesterol, Increase fruit and veggies, Whole grain (Melon)
Moro reflex - CORRECT ANSWER- startled; hit surface next to the newborn
Position for suppository or enema administration - CORRECT ANSWER- -Sim's/left lateral/Rt. knee to chest
Varicella contraindication - CORRECT ANSWER- corticosteroids
Dtap contraindication - CORRECT ANSWER- Hx of inconsolable crying
Newborn car seat safety - CORRECT ANSWER- Snug harness across axillary. Not across abdomen or neck.
Ileostomy what pt expect on appearance - CORRECT ANSWER- -Initial drainage: dark green, odorless. -Some initial bleeding normal -Pink or red stoma color normal -Initial swelling; decreases 2-3 weeks later
delirium - CORRECT ANSWER- simple orientation and low stimuli
Hep b contraindication - CORRECT ANSWER- Baker's yeast
MMR contraindications - CORRECT ANSWER- pregnancy, recent blood transfusion
Anorexia nervosa - CORRECT ANSWER- increase in sodium, potassium, chloride, BUN, liver function, cholesterol
Bulimia therapeutic nursing care - CORRECT ANSWER- offer small and frequent meals
89% postoperative - CORRECT ANSWER- change to another finger
Non rebreather mask - CORRECT ANSWER- Ensure two "flaps" open during exhalation/close during inhalation.
Venture mask - CORRECT ANSWER- ensure reservoir bag 2/3 full during inspiration and expiration
Thoracentesis position - CORRECT ANSWER- sitting position, arms raised and resting overbed table
Chlorpromazine (psychoses) - CORRECT ANSWER- adverse effect (SPASMS/TREMORS) treat benzo (COGENTIN) BENADRYL
Variable deceleration - CORRECT ANSWER- cord compression
Early decelerations - CORRECT ANSWER- *safe* Begin prior to peak of the contraction and end by the end of it. they are caused by head compression. no need for intervention if variability is within normal range (6-10) and the FHR is within normal range.
Cystic fibrosis - CORRECT ANSWER- DNA mutant gene, sprinkle capsule on food
Levothyroxine - CORRECT ANSWER- thyroid, caution with cardiac pts (TACHY ANXIETY) take in morning
Levothyroxine toxicity - CORRECT ANSWER- anxiety, chest pain, tachy, hypertension
Bucks traction - CORRECT ANSWER- immobilization, reposition q 2hrs, provide pin care, neuro checks
Amputation - CORRECT ANSWER- apply prosthetic before ambulating
Ferrous sulfate - CORRECT ANSWER- treats iron deficiency, REPORT nausea, constipation, heartburn, take on an empty stomach through a straw and rinse, increase H/H
Orientation phase - CORRECT ANSWER- Introduce, Discuss confidentiality, Set goals
Working phase - CORRECT ANSWER- to problem-solve
Terminal phase - CORRECT ANSWER- Evaluation (evaluate goals, experience, feelings)
Chadwick's sign - CORRECT ANSWER- Bluish-purple coloration of the vaginal mucosa and cervix
Vaginal flush complications - CORRECT ANSWER- Preterm Labor: Ruptured membranes, signs of infection
Sucralfate for PUD - CORRECT ANSWER- coats stomach to prevent formation of ulcer and aids with healing existing ulcers
17 y/o having emergency surgery intervene when - CORRECT ANSWER- verbal consent
Insulins not to mix - CORRECT ANSWER- garglarine and determis
malfunctioning iv machine - CORRECT ANSWER- tag and get new one
best recommendation for newly diabetes 2 independently - CORRECT ANSWER- refer to support group
Circumcision post op - CORRECT ANSWER- change diaper q 4hr, clean penis every change, petroleum jelly for 24 hr, fan fold diaper, avoid wrapping penis, trickle warm water over penis to wash, do not remove yellowish mucus do not use moist towelettes, heals in a couple weeks
TB precautions - CORRECT ANSWER- private negative pressure room, N95 mask, wear mask when transported, 4 meds at a time, for up to 6-12 months, test exposed family members, sputum culture q2-3 weeks, 3 negative= noninfectious
leukorrhea - CORRECT ANSWER- white discharge from the vagina during early pregnancy
MRSA Contact Precautions - CORRECT ANSWER- -keep distance within 3 ft of client -Private room or share with someone with similar infection (wound infection, herpes simplex) -double bag dressing gauze. -PPE: Gloves and Gowns.
Metformin common side effect - CORRECT ANSWER- renal kidney failure
drawing up insulin - CORRECT ANSWER- NR-RN regular NPH (Clear then cloudy)
Interaction between SSRI and st johns warts - CORRECT ANSWER- hypertensions and increased heart rate that can become life threatening.
diabetic foot care - CORRECT ANSWER- -Nailcare: Podiatrist, cut nail straight across. -Wear Clean Cotton Socks/Closed Shoes -Do not soak feet or wear ointments
Used Opioid overdose - CORRECT ANSWER- Naloxone (Narcan)
Contraindication during alcohol withdrawals - CORRECT ANSWER- Delirium, accompanied by hallucinations

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