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Analytical Reports- - Clarity Data Warehouse

b. Operational Reports - Application Reports, Reporting Workbench

B. Operational Reporting - a. Time-sensitive- reports need to be real-time or near to real-time
b. Relatively small- small in scale, only doctor's patients instead of all patients
c. Easily accessible-sb able to easily access report, such as in hyperspace
d. Actionable- provider info that can be acted upon within a short time frame

C. Operational reporting tools - a. Application reports- integrated into the workflows of epic's applications, often tools end users are familiar with, often highly specialized
b. Reporting workbench- epic's core operational reporting tool that uses a standard infrastructure to allow flexible reporting on almost any Epic application, built into hyperspace, allows users to create new reports or modify existing report without knowledge of programming

D. Advanced/Administrative Reporting Tools - a. These tools used to be only available in text, but now are often available in hyperspace and have much broader applicability
b. KB_SQL- epic has a sql report writer module embedded within chronicles for access to live data that uses a sql variant called kb_sql.kb_sql's main use is as part of the clarity extract process. Can convert sql syntax into an equivalent search through the chronicles data structure
c. Chronicles ad hoc- available only to text -side users, very flexible, requires little setup and can effectively search any master file for any value in any item, limited formatting and presentation capabilities
d. M Script- M is the programming language on which chronicles is built and used to write all or epic's applications

E. Analytical Reporting - a. A report needed not as a real-time source of data in order to drive a workflow, but as a tool to be used in long term decision making
b. Characteristics:
i. Comprehensive- designed to make sense out of large patterns
ii. Summarized-grouped and summarized
iii. Standardized-readers are often management types who expect reports presented in a certain format
c. Use clarity or caboodle as a data source

F. Clarity - extracts data from chronicles db and stores in a relational db on a separate, dedicated reporting server.

G. Caboodle - epic's enterprise data warehouse. Part of cogito ergo sum enterprise intelligence suite
a. A data warehouse provides a central repository for an organizations data from potentially multiple sources, combines data from clarity and third party data sources. Caboodle is downstream from clarity

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