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Trading Comps Modeling Wall Street Prep exam

Trading Comps Modeling Wall Street Prep exam

Trading Comps Modeling Wall Street Prep
Assets - CORRECT ANSWER-resources a company uses to operate its
includes cash, A/R, PP&E
Liabilities - CORRECT ANSWER-represents the company's contractual
obligations and includes A/P, debt, accrued expenses
Shareholder's equity - CORRECT ANSWER-is the residual
the value of the business available to the owners (shareholders) after
debts have been paid off
Income statement - CORRECT ANSWER-illustrates the profitability of
the company over a specified period of time
broad sense: shows revenue-expenses
Balance sheet - CORRECT ANSWER-snapshot of the company
economic resources and funding for those resources at a given point in
time (A = L + SE)
Revenue - CORRECT ANSWER-"top-line"
represents the sale of goods and services
it is recorded when earned (even though cash might not have been
received at the time of transaction)
Expenses - CORRECT ANSWER-netted against revenue to arrive at net
COGS (directly associate with good production), SG&A (indirectly
associated with production), interest expense (expense related to paying
debt holders periodic payments), taxes, depreciation expense (non-cash
expense accounting for the use of PP&E, often imbedded within COGS
and SG&A)
Net income - CORRECT ANSWER-"bottom-line"
the profitability available to common shareholder's after debt payments
have been made (interest expense)
EPS (earnings per share) - CORRECT ANSWER-portion of a company's
profit allocated to each outstanding share of common stock
EPS = (net income - dividends on preferred stock)/weighted average
shares outstanding
Cash flow statement - CORRECT ANSWER-While cash is not
necessarily received when a sale occurs, the income statement still
records the sale. As a result, the income statement captures all the
economic transactions of the business.
The cash flow statement is needed because the income statement uses
what is called accrual accounting. In accrual accounting, revenues are
recorded when earned regardless of when cash is received (revenue
includes sales using cash and made on credit A/R)
Since we also want to have a clear understanding of the cash position of
a company, we need the statement of cash flows to reconcile the
income statement to cash inflows and outflows

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