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ARRT MRI Exam 2024 with 100% correct answers

ARRT MRI Exam 2024 with 100% correct answers

ARRT MRI Exam 2024 with
100% correct answers
If a brain exam is being performed and the request is made to rule out
acoustic neuroma, a protocol with thin cuts through the _________
should be performed.
Inner auditory canals
The _____________ imaging plane would be the most optimal slice
orientation for evaluation of Arnold Chiari Malformation and its inferior
cerebellar tonsillar herniation.
A FLAIR sequence with a long TI is utilized to:
null the signal from CSF
If a brain exam is being perfomed and the request is made to rule out
microadenoma due to elevated prolactin levels, a protocol with thin
cuts through the ____________ should be performed.
pituitary gland
If a brain exam is being perfomed and the request is made to rule out
globe tumor due to symptoms of diplopia, a protocol with thin cuts
through the ____________ should be performed
orbits/ optic nerves
MR findings of a low volume corpus callosum and increased white
matter lesions can be indicative of a diagnosis of:
multiple sclerosis
If a brain exam is being performed and the request is made to evaluate
cranial nerves VII and VIII due to the patient's symptoms of tinnitus, a
protocol with thin cuts through the ____________ should be
Inner Auditory Canal
How many cranial nerves are there?
12 pairs
To best visualize the pituitary gland in MRI, high resolution T1 weighted
images in the __________ planes pre and post contrast are optimal.
sagittal and coronal
____________ is a condition in which part of the cerebellar tonsil is
displaced through the foramen magnum.
chiari malformation
When imaging a hemorrhagic infarct in the brain, which pulse sequence
would demonstrate the magnetic susceptibility effects better?
gradient echo
_______ sequences are performed to suppress CSF (cerebro-spinal
fluid)and aid in the detection of demyelination.
The brainstem includes what?
midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata
On a T2 weighted image, CSF appears bright because it has a
__________ relaxation time.
long T2
Which area(s) of the brain is/are typically affected in patients with a
history of epilepsy?
frontal lobe and/or temporal lobe
The right and left optic nerve join at the:

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