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Shadow Health - Tina Jones, Health History

Shadow Health - Tina Jones, Health  History

Shadow Health - Tina Jones, Health
Finding: Denies loss of sensation (Available)Pro Tip: Diabetic patients often experience
numbness due to neuropathy, especially in the arms, legs, hands, and feet. The
patient's response to these questions may uncover additional problems not discovered
during discussion of the patient's chief complaint. - CORRECT ANSWER Example
Question: Do you have a loss of sensation anywhere?
Finding: Reports no seizures (Available)Pro Tip: Asking about seizures is one possible
component of a review of systems interview. The patient's response to these questions
may uncover neurological problems. - CORRECT ANSWER Example Question: Have
you ever had a seizure?
Finding: Denies problems with balance or disequilibrium (Available)Pro Tip: Problems
with balance can indicate neurological problems, or issues with the inner ear. Asking
your patient about past fractures may uncover additional problems not discovered
during discussion of the patient's chief complaint. - CORRECT ANSWER Example
Question: Do you lose your balance often?
Finding: Asked review of systems for skin, hair and nails - CORRECT ANSWER
Finding: Reports acne (Found)Pro Tip: Adult acne can suggest stress or changes in
hormone levels. Asking Tina about her present acne and history of acne can help you
understand any skin conditions or hormonal changes. - CORRECT ANSWER
Example Question: Do you still have acne?
Finding: Reports excessive facial or body hair (Available)Pro Tip: Increases in body hair
can suggest changes in hormone levels. The patient's response to these questions may
uncover additional problems not discovered during discussion of the patient's chief
complaint. - CORRECT ANSWER Example Question: Do you have facial hair?
Finding: Reports changes to neck skin (Available)Pro Tip: Asking about changes in skin
color is one possible component of a review of systems interview. The patient's
response to these questions may uncover additional problems not discovered during
discussion of the patient's chief complaint. - CORRECT ANSWER Example Question:
Do you have any skin discoloration?
Finding: Reports moles (Available)Pro Tip: Monitoring moles is key in preventing
cancerous growths. Asking Tina if her moles have changed will indicate whether any of
her moles should be assessed further.E - CORRECT ANSWER xample Question:
Have your moles changed?
Finding: Denies dandruff (Available)Pro Tip: Dandruff is a chronic scalp condition
characterized by flaking skin. The patient's response to these questions may uncover
additional problems not discovered during discussion of the patient's chief complaint. -
CORRECT ANSWER Example Question: Do you have dandruff?
Finding: Denies hair loss (Available)Pro Tip: Asking about hair loss or balding is one
possible component of a review of systems interview. The patient's response to these
questions may uncover additional problems not discovered during discussion of the
patient's chief complaint. - CORRECT ANSWER Example Question: Have you noticed
any hair loss?
Finding: Denies nail abnormalities (Available)Pro Tip: Nail fungus might cause
discoloration and disfigurement of the nails. The patient's response to these questions
may uncover additional problems not discovered during discussion of the patient's chief
complaint. - CORRECT ANSWER Example Question: Do you have nail fungus?
Finding: Reports occasional dry skin (Available)Pro Tip: Chronic or severe dry skin
might require a patient to be seen by a dermatologist. The patient's response to these
questions may uncover additional problems not discovered during discussion of the
patient's chief complaint. - CORRECT ANSWER Example Question: Do you have dry
Finding: Denies skin rashes - CORRECT ANSWER
Education & Empathy - CORRECT ANSWER
1.Expression of pain Followed Up - CORRECT ANSWER Description: Tina expresses
frustration about her level of pain. Student: How effective was the Neosporin? Tina
Jones: Well, I'm here, so I guess it didn't do its job. Student: Can you walk with your foot
being injured? Tina Jones: No, I can't. I can't put any weight on it without like, shooting
pain. Student: What preexisting medical conditions do you have? Tina Jones: I mean, I
have asthma and diabetes, but right I now I just care about my foot! Student: I
understand your foot hurts, but I need to know this information to make sure I take care
of the problem correctly. Tina Jones: Thanks. Model Statement: "I'm sorry to hear that
your pain is returning. We want you to be in as little pain as possible. I can give you
some Advil at this time, and in a few hours, you can have more tramadol. I can also
walk through some pain management exercises with you that don't involve medication,
if you are interested."
2.Impact of injury on daily life Followed Up - CORRECT ANSWER Description: Tina
brings up her pain and frustration at how being unable to bear weight on her foot
impacts her life. Student: What are stressors? Tina Jones: I feel really stressed out right
now! Honestly, I didn't realize that I'd be admitted to the hospital for my foot. I don't want
to miss work or school but now it looks like I'll have to. And I want my foot to stop
hurting. I know I need sleep, too. Student: We are going to take care of everything as
quickly as possible. Tina Jones: Thanks. Model Statement: "This sounds like a
challenging time for you. I understand your frustration at having your life interrupted by
foot pain. Please let me know if there is anything I can help you with, such as contacting
your employer or asking a family member to bring your schoolwork. We'll do our best to
get you feeling better and, on your way, home as soon

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