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Medical Surgical nursing – Endocrine 2023

Medical Surgical nursing – Endocrine 2023

Medical Surgical nursing – Endocrine
Corticosteroids - CORRECT ANSWERS released by adrenal cortex, effect every cell
on the body. used to treat adrenocortical disorders, immunosuppression, and reduce
Common corticosteroids - CORRECT ANSWERS hydrocortisone, methlprednisilone,
prednisone, dexamethasone
uses of corticosteroids - CORRECT ANSWERS allergies, Addison's, inflammation,
cerebral edema, anaphylactic reaction
Corticosteroid side effects - CORRECT ANSWERS sodium retention, nausea, acne,
anxiety, insomnia, mood swings, increased appetite, impaired wound healing, masks
corticosteroid nursing implications - CORRECT ANSWERS monitor weight, b/p, blood
sugar, cushingoid signs, stress level, infection. Sudden withdrawal can be fatal,
decrease effectiveness of anti diabetic agents, combing with aspirin and NSAIDS
increase risk for ulcers, non-potassium sparing diuretics may lead to hypocalcemia and
corticosteroids patient education - CORRECT ANSWERS timing of doses, tapering is
required, eat potassium rich foods, monitor for signs of infection, and adrenal
corticosteroid categories - CORRECT ANSWERS glucocorticoids and
Addison's disease - CORRECT ANSWERS primary adrenal insufficiency.
occurs when the adrenal glands do not produce enough of the hormones cortisol or
secondary adrenal insufficiency - CORRECT ANSWERS due to a deficiency of ACTH,
damage to the pituitary gland causing hypocortisolism.
symptoms of adrenal insufficiency - CORRECT ANSWERS starts gradually, fatigue,
muscle weakness, weight loss, low b/p, hyper pigmentation.
Function of insulin - CORRECT ANSWERS assist in glucose transport into cells,
stimulate storage of glucose in the liver, signal liver to stop release of glucose,
enhances storage of adipose tissue, transport of amino acids
categories of insulin - CORRECT ANSWERS rapid acting
short acting
intermediate acting
very long acting
Rapid acting insulin - CORRECT ANSWERS novolog, humalog, onset 10-30 minutes,
peak 30 minutes to 3 hours. duration 3-6 hours
Short acting insulin - CORRECT ANSWERS humulin R, novolin R.
onset 30-60 minutes, peak 1-5 hours, duration 6-10 hours
intermediate acting insulin - CORRECT ANSWERS NPH, humulin N, novolin N, onset
1-2 hours, Peak 6-14 hours, duration 16-25 hours
Long acting insulin - CORRECT ANSWERS levemir, lantus. Onset 1-2 hours, no peak,
duration 24 hours
Oral hyperglycemics - CORRECT ANSWERS used with type 2 diabetes who cannot be
treated with diet and exercise alone
insulin nursing implications - CORRECT ANSWERS accuracy of dose, do not
interchange insulin, monitor blood glucose level, monitor activity level, subcutaneous,
rotate injection site, make sure other treatment regimens are being utilized, weekly
insulin patient education - CORRECT ANSWERS side effects, educate on sites and
technique, educate on process of diabetes mellitus, carry id alert, how to recognize
hypo and hyperglycemia, smoking decreases insulin absorption, glucose testing, diet,
type 1 diabetes - CORRECT ANSWERS disorder in which the body cannot produce
enough insulin, diagnosed young, have islet cell antibodies, little to no insulin
type 2 diabetes - CORRECT ANSWERS progressive disorder in which body cells
become less responsive to insulin
onset usually after 30 years old, obese, no islet cell antibodies, decrease insulin
production with time due to insulin resistance
islets of langerhans - CORRECT ANSWERS areas of pancreatic cells that produce
insulin and glucagon
complications of insulin injections - CORRECT ANSWERS hypoglycemia, lipoatrophy,

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