€ 10.09

2024 NSCA CSCS Study Set Pass with A+ Guarantee - Qs & As Included in Study Set!

2024 NSCA CSCS Study Set Pass with A+ Guarantee - Qs & As Included in Study Set!

How does the body exert force
Muscles pull on bones that rotate about joints to transmit force to the environment
What are the three types of bone joints
1-Fibrous joints (sutures)
2-Cartilaginous (inter-vertebral discs)
3-Synovial (elbowknee)
What are the thee points of axes
1-Uniaxial (hinge-elbow)
2-Biaxial (anklewrist)
3-Multiaxial (shoulderhip)
How many vertebra make up the vertebral column
24 - Cervical (7) Thoracic (12) Lumbar (5)
closer to the head
closer to the feet
farther from trunk

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