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Manicurist Examination Practice 5 exam

Manicurist Examination Practice 5 exam

Gel nails stay the same color until:
a. Removed
b. Water cured
c. Buffed
d. Filed - a. Removed

Proper use of the cuticle nippers will:
a. Not ruff up more cuticle
b. Leave cuticle free of snags
c. Leave skin unbroken
d. All of the above - d. All of the above

Overfilling on the nails will promote some problems except:
a. Infections
b. Loss the nail plate
c. Allergic reactions
d. Onychia - d. Onychia

What reasons the product are caused for allergic reactions to customers and manicurists:
a. Skin contact with monomers
b. lmproper product
c. Overexposure
d. All of the above - a. Skin contact with monomers

The powder on brush for the application of acrylic nail should be:
a. Applied to all bristles
b. Worked into a thick paste
c. Formed into a ball at the tip of the brush
d. Wet so it will stick to the brush - c. Formed into a ball at the tip of the brush

Antiseptics are used to:
a. Disinfect manicure implements
b. Retard the growth of germs
c. Destroy bacteria
d. Open pores of the skin - b. Retard the growth of germs

The State Board rule for handling emery board says that you should:
a. Wipe with 70% isopropyl alcohol
b. Discard after use on client
c. Store in plastic bag after use
d. Keep in dust-proof cabinet - b. Discard after use on client

If a slight cut occurs while giving a manicure, you should use:
a. An astringent
b. Styptic pencil
c. Pumice stone
d. Lysol - a. An astringent

Polish remover may dry the cuticle if it is:
a. Used undiluted
b. Not washed off
c. Mixed with liquid polish
d. Applied with a brush - a. Used undiluted

If not properly cared for, hangnails may;
a. Become spotted
b. Turn yellow
c. Become infected
d. Become congenital - c. Become infected

Pushing back of the cuticle:
a. Loosens the eponychium
b. File the finger tip
c. Cut dead cuticle
d. Slow nail growth - a. Loosens the eponychium

Implements used with excessive pressure at the root of the nail may:
a. Remove excessive cuticle
b. Stimulate the nail to more rapid growth
c. Make the lunula visible
d. Injure live tissue - d. Injure live tissue

In manicuring, pumice powder may be used to:
a. Remove nail polish
b. Soften cuticle
c. Soften nail
d. Smooth ridges - d. Smooth ridges

In the application of liquid nail polish, best results are obtained if:
a. A thick dark polish is used
b. Very thin polish is used
c. Some cuticle solvent is left on the nail
d. Brushes are clean and free from loose hairs - d. Brushes are clean and free from loose hairs

To clean under the free edge of the nail, manicurists usually use:
a. The finger bath brush
b. The pointed end of the pusher
c. A cotton tipped orangewood stick
d. A point of the nipper blade - c. A cotton tipped orangewood stick

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