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Brand New 2023 NR 667 Study Guide With Best Solutions

Brand New 2023 NR 667 Study Guide With Best Solutions

Brand New 2023 NR 667 Study Guide With Best Solutions

Liek: 1
Hollier: 17, 1
1. Hyperlipidemia
Presentation: Most patients are asymptomatic until they develop ASCVD.
• Xanthomata (lipid deposits around theeyes)
• Corneal Arcus prior to age 50 years (white iris),normal
• Angina
• Bruits
• MI
• Stroke
• Fasting/non-fasting lipidprofile
• Glucose,
• UA and creatinine (fordetectionofnephroticsyndrome whichcan
induce dyslipidemia),
• TSH (for detection ofhypothyroidism)
Diagnosis: Optimal goal is <100 mg/dL
Pt with LDL >= 190mg/dL (without ASCVD or DM is a candidate for high-intensity statin)
Non-pharmacologic Management/Education:
• FIRST LINE: Lifestyle Modification; diet andexercise.
• Diet toimproveserum lipids: Mediterranean diet, DASH,vegetarian, low-carb,
and low-trans fat.
• Decrease sugar and simplecarbs
• Avoidalcohol
• Increase fish diet with Omega-3 (salmon and sardines) twice aweek
• Weight loss
• Aerobic typeexercise
Pharmacologic Management:
• FirstLine: Atorvastatin 10mgonceaday at bedtime(perform liver function tests
before initiation therapy and then 4-6 and 12 weeks and after doseincrease).
a) Low Intensity (lowers LDLon averageby <30%): Simvastatin 10mg, Pravastatin
10-20mg, Lovastatin 20mg
b) ModerateIntenstiy(lowers LDLonaverageby 30-49%): Atorvastatin 10-20mg
daily, Rosuvastatin 5-10mg, Simvastatin 20-40mg, Pravastatin 40-80mg.
lOMoAR cPSD|3013804
c) HighIntensity (lowers LDLonaverageby >50%): Atorvastatin 40-80mg
daily. (Never start on 80mg, always titrate up). Rosuvastatin 20-40mg.
• AVOID GRAPEFRUITJUICE! Watchforrhabdomylosis
• INTOLERANCETO STATIN: Alternative Welchol (Bile Acid Sequestrants) 625 mgtab
daily once aday.
• Age 21-75 high intensitytherapy
Follow up: q6-8 weeks re-check lipids until goal is achieved, then q 6-12 months to evaluate
Risk Factors: DM, FH of HD, HTN, low HDL, age (men older than 45 and women older than 55),
smoking, obesity, CAD, PVD, microalbuminuria
Refer: Nutritionist
• Hypothyroidism
• Pregnancy
• Diabete
2. Hypertension
Presentation: Most are not symptomatic, Occipital Headaches, headache on awakening in am,
burry vision.
Look for these clinical findings to rule out organ damage:
• Eyes(HTN retinopathy): AVnicking(causes whenarteriolecrossesontopof
vein), papilledema
• Kidneys: microalbuminuriaandproteinuria,elevatedserum creatinineand abnormal
eGFR, peripheral or generalized edema
• Heart: S3 (CHF), S4(LVH),carotid bruits,decreased orabsentperipheral pulses
• Brain: TIA or hemorrhagicstroke
• Asymptomatic
• Occipitalheadache
• Blurry vision
• Headache upon wakening
• Exam ofopticfundi: Look for AVnicking,hemorrhage,papilledema
• LVH (long standing HTN)
• Perform exam of symmetricalpulses
• Auscultate for Carotid bruits, abdominal bruits, and kidneybruits
Diagnostic studies: EKG, fasting lipid profile, fasting blood glucose, TSH, CXR to R/O
cardiomegaly. CBC, CMP,andurinalysis. Measure BP 5 minutesapart. Assess thepatients 10-
lOMoAR cPSD|3013804
year risk for heart disease(ASCVD)
Diagnosis: > 140/90 mm Hg start on B/P medication.
Pharmacologic Management:
• FIRSTLINE DIURETIC: Hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ)25 mg/day (max
50mg/day) *May worsen gout and elevate lipids and glucose
• ALTERNATIVE CCB: Amlodipinebesylate 5 mg /day. (Watch for lowerextremity
• ACE: lisinopril 10mg/day complicated HTN first line
• Consider ACE/ARB inpatient with DM,proteinuria, HF. CONTRAINDICATED IN
• Ifstage 2, initiate2drugclasses (Diuretic & CCB mosteffectivein
African American)
Follow up:
• 2-4weeks
• Cardiology if EKG isabnormal
Secondary HTN causes to consider:
• CKD, renalarterystenosis,hyperthyroidism,phenochromocytoma, OSA,coarticationof
the heart (SBP higher in the legs), oral contraceptives, corticosteroids, cocaine, NSAID,
• Secondaryhypertension
• White coatsyndrome

lOMoAR cPSD|3013804
• Pregnancy inducedhypertension
lOMoAR cPSD|3013804

• First: Lifestyle modifications:dietandexercise 30 minutesaerobic exercise 5
daysper week.
• Weight loss (BMI 25 andup)
• Limit alcohol (men:2 drinks or less per day; women: one drink or less perday)
• Stop smoking
• Stress management
• Eat fatty cold water fish (salmon, anchovy) 3x a week
• Medicationcompliance
• Reduce sodium intake <1,500 mg/day)
• Measure BP daily,bringlogtonext visit, bringhomecuff tocompareto office
Liek: 1
Hollier: 29,
3. Diabetes type 2 -
Presentation (assessment): insulin resistance in target tissues, abnormal insulin
secretion, or decrease in insulin receptors.
**Usually discovered on routine exam!
• Polydipsia, Polyuria, Polyphagia, (showingsymptoms)
• agitation,
• nervousness,
• obesity,
• fatigue
• Chronic skininfections
• Women: chronic yeastinfection
• blurry vision
• Exam feet, pulses, nail thickness, odor, swelling,mobility
• Thyroidpalpitation
• Skinexam
Diagnostics: EKG, CBC, CMP, LIPIDS, Microalbuminuria, TSH, A1C

• Fasting between 100-126 = impaired
glucose Nonfasting less than 126 = normal
Fasting glucose>126mg/dl and confirmed on a differentday
Hgb A1C >or equal to 6.5%
lOMoAR cPSD|3013804

Non-pharmacologic Management:
• Monitor Blood glucose at home and diary(daily)
• Lifestyle modification: diet andExercise
• avoid alcohol
• avoid smoking
• Routine oralexams

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