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2024 MED SURG HESI EXAM QUESTIONS 2023-2024 WITH All Answers Verified Correct

2024 MED SURG HESI EXAM QUESTIONS 2023-2024 WITH All Answers Verified Correct

QUESTIONS 2023-2024 WITH All
Answers Verified Correct
What instruction should the nurse include in the discharge teaching plan of a client who
had a cataract extraction today? - ANSWERS-Light housekeeping is permitted but avoid
heavy lifting
An male adult comes to the urgent care clinic 5 days after being diagnosed with
influenza. He is short of breath, febrile, and coughing green colored sputum. Which
intervention should the nurse implement first? - ANSWERS-Obtain a sputum sample for
An elder male client tells the nurse that he is loosing sleep because he has to get up
several times at night to go to the bathroom that he has trouble starting his urinary
stream and that he does not feel like his bladder is ever completely empty. Which
intervention should the nurse implement? - ANSWERS-palpate the bladder above the
symphysis pubis
An adult client is admitted with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and a urinary tract infection
(UTI) Prescriptions for intravenous antibiotics and insulin infusion are initiated. Which
serum laboratory value warrants the most immediate intervention by the nurse? -
ANSWERS-potassium of 2.5 meq/l
A client with sickle cell anemia develops a fever during the last hour of administration of
a unit of packed red blood cell. When notifying the healthcare provider what information
should the nurse provide first using the SBAR communication process? - ANSWERSexplain specific reason for urgent notification
An adult male client is admitted for pneumocystis carinil pneumonia (PCP) secondary to
aids. While hospitalize he receives IV pentamidine isethionate therapy. In preparing this
client for discharge what important aspect regarding his medication therapy should the
nurse explain? - ANSWERS-It will be necessary to continue prophylactic doses of IV or
aerosol pentamine every month
A client subjective data includes dysuria, urgency, and urinary frequency. What action
should the nurse implement next? - ANSWERS-collect a clean catch specimen
A client tells the nurse that her biopsy results indicate that the cancer cells are well
differentiated How should the nurse respond? - ANSWERS-ask the client in the
healthcare provider has giving her any information about the classification of her cancer
A client with a chronic kidney disease is treated on hemodialysis. During the 1 treatment
clients blood pressure drops from 150/90 to 80/30 Which action should the nurse take
first? - ANSWERS-stop dialysis treatment
A client with deep vain thrombosis (DVT) is receiving a continues infusion of heparin
sodium 25,000 unit in 5% dextrose injection 250ml. The prescription indicates the
dosage should be increase 900 units/hr. The nurse should program the infusion pump
to deliver how many ml/hr? - ANSWERS-9
The nurse is obtaining the admission history for a client with suspected peptic ulcer
disease (PUD). Which subjective data reported by the client supports this diagnosis? -
ANSWERS-upper mid abdominal gnawing and burning pain
The nurse is providing preoperative education for a jewish client schedule to receive a
xenograft graft to promote burn healing. Which information should the nurse provide this
client? - ANSWERS-the xenograft is taken from nonhuman sources
A client who took a camping vacation two weeks ago in a country with a tropical climate
comes to the clinic describing vague symptoms and diarrhea for the past week. Which
finding is most important for the nurse to report? - ANSWERS-jaundice sclera
During a home visit the nurse assesses the skin of a client with eczema who reports
than an exacerbation of symptoms has occurred during the last week. Which
information is most useful in determining the possible cause of the symptoms? -
ANSWERS-a grandson and his new dog recently visited
When explaining dietary guidelines to a client with acute glomerulonephritis (AGN)
which instruction should the nurse include in the dietary teaching - ANSWERS-restrict
sodium intake
A male client who is 24hr post operative for an exploratory laparoctomy complains that
he is starving because he has had no real food since before surgery. Prior to advancing
his diet which intervention should the nurse implememt? - ANSWERS-Auscultate bowel
sound in all four quadrants
A client diagnose with stable angina secondary to ischemic heart disease has a
prescription for sublingual (SL) nitroglycerin (NTG). The nurse should tell the client to
follow which instructions if chest pain is not relieved after taking 3 NTG tables 5 min
apart - ANSWERS-call 911 pain is unrelieved and chew a tablet of aspirin 325mg
After taking orlistat (Xenical) for one week a femela client tells the home health nurse
that she is experiencing increasingly frequent oily stools and flatus. What action should
the nurse take? - ANSWERS-ask the client to describe her dietary intake history for the
last several days
Two days after an abscess of the chin was drained the client returns to the clinic with
fever chills and a maculopapular rash with pruritis. The client has taken an oral antibiotic
and cleansed the wound today with provide iodine (Betadine) solution. Which
intervention should the nurse implement first? - ANSWERS-assess airway patency and
oxygen saturation
A client experiences an ABO incompatibility reaction after multiple blood transfusions.
Which finding should the nurse report immediately to the health care provider? -
ANSWERS-low back pain and hypotension
1.A young adult male who has had type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) is admitted to the
intensive care unit with hyperglycemic nonketotic syndrome (HHNS). A sliding scale
protocol for an isotonic IV solution with regular insulin is prescribed based on the results
of a continuous blood glucose monitoring device that is attached to the client's central
venous catheter. When the client's respirations become labored and his lungs sound
indicate crackles what action should the nurse take? - ANSWERS-decrease infusion
rate to address fluid overload
When preparing to apply a fentanyl (Duragesic) transdermal patch the nurse notes that
the previously applied patch is intact on the client's upper back and the client denies
pain. What action should the nurse take? - ANSWERS-Apply a new patch in a different
location after removing the original patch
A client who had a myocardial infarction is admitted to the coronary critical care unit
(CCU) with a nitroglycerin drip infusing. The clients last blood pressure measurements
was 78/36.What action should the nurse implement? - ANSWERS-reduce the rate of
the nitroglycerin infusion
An adolescent is admitted to the hospital because of a suicide attempt with an overdose
of acetaminophen (Tylenol). Which blood values are most important for the nurse to
monitor during the first 72 hours following ingestion of this overdose? - ANSWERS-LDH
An elderly post-operative female client is receiving morphine sulfate via a PCA pump.
Which assessment finding should prompt a nurse to administer the prescribed PRN
medication naloxone? - ANSWERS-her respiratory rate is 7 breath/minute
Which assessment finding indicates to the nurse that the muscarinic agent bethanechol
(Urecholine) is effective for a client diagnose with urinary retention? - ANSWERSurinary output equal to intake

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